Thursday, June 21, 2007

How To Make $1000's Of Dollars With Your Mailing List

We've heard that the money is in the list and that having a mailing list is the best way to earn a living online. People with list's estimate that each person that they have on there is worth $1 per month. So say you have a list of 5,000 people that is $5,000 a month!

Well imagine if you have multiple lists. The problem that some people have with their list is they don't know how often to e-mail their list products to buy. They don't want to e-mail their list products to buy too much because they don't want to drive their list away. If you have multiple lists, you really don't have to worry about that, as much.

Maybe you want to e-mail your list a product to buy once a month. Well if you have say three lists then you can mail out a product three times in a month, instead of just one. That is increasing your profit by three times.

Techniques for Building a List

I'm going to show you a few different techniques for building a list and the best ways to implement them. Then I'm going to show you the best way to build a list.

The first technique that I'm going to talk about is using what is called a squeeze page. This is simply a page where you try and capture visitor's e-mail addresses. It's kind of like a sales page, except it usually isn't as long and you would be offering them an incentive to get people to sign up to be on your list.

You will be offering something like a free newsletter or an e-course or a free report or e-book. This gets people to sign up for your list because people love to get things for free. All they have to do if give you their e-mail address and sign up for your list.

Just remember that the better quality product that you offer, the more people will sign up. Even if you're making them an offer, the better that offer the more people will listen and you will get more people to sign up. Don't try and pawn off a low quality product, put some work into it, it will be worth it.

Another technique also involves a web site, but this is a more conventional web site. It's always a good idea to have a web site in the market that you want to build a list in. It makes you look more professional and gives you an opportunity to capture more people's e-mail addresses and get more sign ups to your list.

What you do is after you have your site up and running after you have filled it with useful information, you just place an ad where they can sign up for your list. Always make sure that it is at the top of the home page. You want the visitor to see this ad right when they enter your site.

You could say all kinds of different things in the ad., depending on your offer. You want to keep it short and to the point. Usually just a sentence or two and a place where they can they put their first name and e-mail address, it's as simple as that.

Tell them in one sentence what they are going to learn from your offer or what problem they are going to solve. Then tell them what they are getting when they sign up. Don't forget to have FREE in all caps.

You can do a lot of things with a web site. Sell products, have affiliate products on your web site, have adsense etc. This is another thing that you can do with a web site and let me tell you that having this ad on your web site can be the most valuable.

It's a good idea to have this ad in several different parts of your web site. Don't just have it on your home page. Have it on all of your pages and in strategic spots. Another thing that you can do is place your ad in a pop-up box that comes up automatically when someone enters your site.

The bad thing about doing this is that people might think it's just a pop-up advertisement and close it right away. The good thing about it is it gets people's attention and they see it right away. You're going to have to do some testing yourself to see what works best.

There are methods that can be used to get more people to see your sign up ads. Obviously getting more traffic to your web site or squeeze page is a good way to get more people to join your list, but there are other methods.

One is to go to forums in your market and tell people that you will give them whatever you're offering for free. Usually, people that are on forums in your market are serious about this market, so they should have an interest in your product.

Another good method is to write articles. You write articles about your market and in the bio box you leave a link to your free product and have them sign up for your list that way.

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Another way to get people to see your sign up add is to put a link to your free offer in the signature line of your profile. Start posting good insightful posts at forums in your market and watch the people sign up.

The Best Way to Build a List

The techniques that I just talked about are great for getting a lot of people to sign up for your list, but there is a better method. The method I'm talking about is selling your own product. You simple set up a page where they are redirected to after they make a purchase.

On this page is your sign up forum. Simply say that in order to get the product that they bought, simply leave your name and e-mail address. Just make sure to give them an option to get your product without signing up for your list.

It's really unethical not to give people that option. They bought your product, but they still must be able to get your product without signing up for your list. Some people are repeat customers and they are already signed up for your list. They need a way to buy and not sign up for the list again, an error will come up if they give you the same e-mail address twice.

Now on to the reasons why this is the best method to use to build a mailing list. One is that you're making money selling your product, while building your list. Some people don't like to put in the time to build a list because they get sick of writing all these free products and giving them away, in order to, build their list. Everyone needs to support themselves while they are building their list.

Another reason and probably the most important reason is the quality of the list that you build with this technique. It doesn't do any good to have a huge list of people that won't buy from you. You can boast a 10,000 person list, but if you only get a hand full of sales from it, it doesn't matter how big it is.

Building a list this way ensures you that you have some buyers on your hands, not just freebie seekers. More importantly, you have people that have bought from you in the past and will probably buy from you in the future. Repeat business is hugely important to anyone that wants to be successful selling their own products.

Another reason why it's so good is because if you create your own products, you're going to sell them anyways. Why not kill two birds with one stone? You can sell and build your list at the same time with no extra effort given to build your list.

The quality of the product and the price are going to be vitally important. Let me first say that whatever you price your products at, always give them this option to sign up to your list.

The best thing to do is create this great product and sales page. Then completely over-deliver, remember that you're building a list and if you over-deliver it's going to really pay off in the long-run. You must always look to the future and keep the end result in mind at all times. They are going to be much more willing to buy from you over and over again in the future.

I've had customers tell me that they will buy anything that I release. I have always provided great products and great value to my customers and they certainly remember your name and products the next time you release one.


Alright, you now have the information to go out and build several massive lists. I still use the techniques that I talked about earlier before the Best Way to Build a List section, to supplement my main method.

I do this because it helps add a lot more people to my list. There may be some better buyers that you get for free, but for the most part the buyers are far better than the freebie seekers.

It is now up to you to take action. I see way too many people who fail online; they just simply don't take action. It sounds simple, but I had this problem when I first got started online and I know countless others that have had this problem, so get to work!

Alison G. Teaching you to Invest Wiser

Recommended Resources - Paid auto responder service, it's worth it - Free service, not as many options - The best web host that I have found by far

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