Friday, June 29, 2007

A Professional Web Design Service With Free Web Hosting

So you decide that you would like to have a website to promote your business, it sounds so simple but then you start to look into the whole idea in a bit more detail and suddenly the costs start to mount up. You need to purchase a domain, this is however quite cheap therefore not a problem. The web design service is quite pricey, you feel, but hey the guy is a professional after all. Then there is web hosting, web what? Then web promotion, there is no point of having a site if nobody ever visits it. Thankfully a number of specialised companies are now starting to offer a fully comprehensive service where they offer all of these requirements in the one package, for one price.

I will never forget the experience of obtaining my first ever website. It was in 1999 and initially I was very excited about the prospect of having a site online even though in truth I knew very little about the internet.

This excitement would soon to despair as I attempted to find a web designer worthy of the name. Have you bought a domain, I was asked on numerous occasions? Well no, I would not know how? These people just presumed that I would know how to do this. I soon asked how to go about purchasing a domain which I now realise is very easy.

Eventually I found a chap who I took on to build the site. Once it was built he asked if I had any web hosting in place, I had not and again I had no idea what it was. He did however help me out on this score.

The site was now live, what a great feeling. After a few months I looked on google and yahoo and could not find the site was nowhere to be seen. I phoned up my webmaster and aked if he knew why this might be. What have you been doing to promote your website, he asked? Nothing, was my reply.

I am sure life is so much easier for people who are looking to gain an exposure for their business on the net in 2007, now that these new comprehensive packages are available.

Stephen Hill runs The How To Stop Stammering Centre, he has a number of websites including:

stuttering information

mortgages for people with a poor credit history

debt specialist in Northfield, West Midlands

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