Friday, June 22, 2007

Best Generating Traffic - 5 Ways of Generating Traffic

Bes Generating traffic is not a one-time event. Nor does it involve big advertising budgets. Autopilot traffic streams can be opened up if one is familiar with some of the techniques.

Given below are five ways of opening new traffic streams.

Free Traffic Method 1: Contributing Content

Instead of writing an ebook, which requires a lot of time and hard work, writing a chapter without unnecessarily deviating from the main issue is easier. Remember that several chapters can be reduced to several articles.

Free Traffic Method 2: Giving viral reports for free

Free reports containing the best information are a great way of increasing traffic streams. These reports can be created as PDF files and can also contain advertisements. Thus, as they spread across the internet, one will get free advertising. This, however, requires the PDF report to be free and also have good content.

Free Traffic Method 3: Helping Other Publishers

This works as those visiting the website may be information publishers as well. You can co-operate to the benefit of each other.

Free Traffic Method 4: Writing Testimonials

Writing free and unsolicited testimonials for the creator of information products which one uses helps as well. It is very beneficial when a customer writes you and explains the success they have had with your product. Obtain the customers permission and place it on your web site.

Free Traffic Method 5: Syndicating Content

Search engines do not scan for JavaScript. Therefore, having good JavaScript will not necessarily increase traffic streams. Having the information as text within the page makes news feeds visible to search engines.

Do you want to learn about article marketing? Download a free guide today: Secrets of Article Marketing

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Want to learn more about driving traffic? Download a free traffic guide here: Traffic Generation

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