Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Start Your Own eBay Business - 100% Success Guaranteed Training

As you may know, there's never been a better time to start your own eBay business. eBay is an internet phenomenon.

Many people are trying to make money from the internet. One route many believe is the best, is to create a web site and try and sell goods from it. And there's no doubt some are making money doing exactly that.

Unfortunately, the successes far outnumber the failures. There are billions of web sites out there, but very few are making their owners much money, if any!

There are two huge problems you have when creating an ecommerce web site. The first is getting it up and running. Assuming you are an individual hoping to create a home based business, then you will find it can take weeks or even months to learn and apply the necessary skills to create a decent web site.

You might think that when your web site is complete, you've made it. However, you are now presented with big problem number two!

Who knows your web site exists? Where is your traffic going to come from? How will your prospective customers ever find you in among the billion other web sites?

Now I'm not saying you should never create your own web sites. But I am saying if you're creating that site in order to make money, there is a far better way.

That better way is eBay.

You will know that eBay is the biggest auction web site on the internet. In fact at the time I wrote this, the industry yardstick site Alexa shows that eBay is the number one shopping site on the internet. It's above Amazon, Yahoo and Wal-Mart.

One of the reasons for that success is that eBay neatly answers the two major problems you and I have when we create web sites in order to make money.

Remember our two problems were in creating our site and getting people to visit it. With eBay, your auction is the equivalent to the sales page on your web site. Creating an eBay auction is a matter of completing some on-screen forms. It literally takes minutes.

Once you've created your auction, it is then available to be seen by eBay's massive traffic. Using eBay auctions, your traffic problem is solved for you - instantly.

You might be wondering if it's that easy, why aren't lots of people making a living selling on eBay? The answer is, they are. eBay estimate that for 470,000 members, their eBay income is their only, or is their major source of household income!

If you'd like to make money from home using the internet, you should definitely start your own eBay business.
About the Author

Brian McGregor is an author and eBay expert. He runs a highly successful and guaranteed seven week training course in which he shows how to start your own eBay business. http://www.workwinners.com/eclass/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brian_McGregor

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