Thursday, June 21, 2007

Email Marketing - How to Grow Your Email List with Wordpress and Feedburner for Free

A big email list is like a big pile of diamonds just waiting to be polished. If you aren't collecting email addresses from your website or blog, you are tossing unpolished diamonds to your competitors.

I'm going to tell you the best way to use free tools to build an email list and it's going to take you about 10 minutes to implement this on your site.

Couple Wordpress (free blogging platform) and Feedburner (free RSS and email management) and build your list easily.

First, you need to get your website or blog up and running. You'll need to go and download Wordpress Blogging Platform and get it all set-up on your server. Wordpress is famous for the "5 Minute Install" so this should be pretty easy.

Once that is set-up (or if you already have a Wordpress blog) go to and sign-up for your free account. You'll claim your blog and can go into the options and allow people to sign-up for email delivery.

While you are on the Feedburner website, you can get the code to insert a box on your website that people can use to subscribe to your updates. Copy and Paste that code.

Now, take that cody and go into your Wordpress Theme Presentation folder in your Wordpress Dashboard and insert that code at the bottom of the posts. This part is a bit complicated for novices, but if you have a problem you can always email me. You'll want the code at the bottom of the post because it's AFTER a user reads and trusts you that they'll want to sign up.

Once a user signs up, Feedburner manages their email addresses and emails everyone a copy of each new post you do so you don't even have to write extra! If you ever want to send a pitch to your email list, you have access to all of their email addresses in the Feedburner back-end.

It's easy and fast to get more people involved in your blog or website. Take the time to set-up this feature on YOUR site now.

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