Tuesday, June 26, 2007

How To Keep A Good eBay Feedback Rating

Having a good feedback can sometimes be the deciding factor between a buyer purchasing your product or someone else’s product. Buyers like to buy from sellers with a good feedback rating and not just your percentage rating, but sellers will also look at the comments left for you.

When you are first starting out as a seller on eBay it can make it a bit difficult when you only have a low or non existent feedback rating.

There is one main way that people use to increase their feedback but whatever you do make sure you abide by Ebay’s rules. Ebay will suspend your account if they think you are selling or buying products just for the sole purpose of increasing feedback.

One way that people increase their feedback in a short period is to buy low cost information products (ebooks). Ebooks used to be sold for as little as 1 cent although I believe Ebay has put a stop to 1cent sales for this very reason, that people were just purchasing them to increase their feedback.

For a buy it now item, I believe the minimum price is now 99 cents. If you do purchase 99 cent products to increase your feedback, NEVER ask the seller to give you feedback as you are trying to increase feedback. Leave the seller good feedback and there is a very good chance they will leave you good feedback. If you ask the seller for feedback to get your rating up, there is a chance you can get caught doing so and be suspended.

A newly registered user cannot leave feedback for five days. Don’t ask a seller to leave you feedback and tell them they will leave you feedback once your five days are up. Five days is not really that long, just wait your five days, then leave your feedback.

Its one thing getting feedback, the other thing you need to do is to keep receiving good feedback ratings and good comments.

It’s very important to always treat your customers with respect and always have good communication. You want to keep your feedback at 100% or as close to it as you can. Doing little things that are above and beyond the normal call of duty will please your customers and get you some very good comments.

Customers do sometimes purchase due to feedback ratings but not only that but if you’re customers are happy with you, and then there is a good chance they will come back and buy from you again.

Receiving negative feedback can be avoided by not leaving feedback until the customer has left positive feedback for you. The idea behind this is that if a customer does then leave you a negative feedback, you could leave them a negative feedback and then negotiate with them to have a mutual removal of the feedbacks.

If you are turning over a large volume of sales then waiting for the customer to leave feedback before you do can get quite difficult to do manually. If you subscribe to Selling Manager Pro you can set it up so that feedback is automatically left for your customer once they leave positive feedback for you.
James Penn is an experienced eBay seller & has assisted many eBay sellers to help them make money on eBay in 2007 and for many years to come. Discover many of his other eBay selling tips that will help explode your eBay sales & grab a selection of free eBay eBooks by signing up to his free eBay newsletter.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=James_Penn

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