Friday, June 29, 2007

Cheap Dedicated Server Hosting - The Long Term Relationship

Everybody knows that one of the keys to a mutually beneficial business agreement is a long term relationship. The more time and effort both parties put into building each other's trust and making the business relationship work, the better and more profitable the business is.

This is a widely known principle, and yet many companies that offer cheap dedicated servers don't seem to take their role seriously. Trust me, my friend, I've been left alone too many times when I was just trying out cheap dedicated servers, and there are certainly many companies I'll not even think about hiring again.

The thing is this: when you rent a cheap dedicated server, you are not just renting a computer; you are in fact renting technical service, maintenance and monitoring. The fact that you have chosen a cheap dedicated server should not imply that the provider won't supply at least a minimum amount of support just to get you started, or that you'll have to wait forever for an answer to a question you ask them. If they don't seem to take you seriously, then you must ask yourself what you should expect from a long term relationship with them.

Here is a good tip: When you rent a cheap dedicated server hosting service, think of it as a marriage. Would you like to spend the rest of your internet business life with them? You better choose wisely.

Let me tell you something that happened with the first dedicated server I rented. Back in those days, there weren't many places where to look for information about dedicated servers, and the few sites dealing with the subject were just mere commercial pages designed to make you purchase what they were offering. So, with no objective, real information to help me, I had to choose based on what they said rather than on others' opinion.

At first it seemed like a great deal, but when the first problem came up I realized that it wasn't such a good deal at all. I noticed that one of my hosted sites was not working, so I sent an email to my provider asking what had happened, and how to solve the problem.

They answered... four days later. As a result, I lost the customer whose web site had the problem, and based on how offended he was I can say he'll never trust me again. All because they took forever to answer a simple and to the point email about a problem that, by the way, turned out to be caused by them in the first place.

Nowadays when I think about that, I'm glad I switched providers and moved to another cheap dedicated server. If I had stayed with them, chances are that I would lose more customers and lose everybody's trust.

So, my friend, if you are going to rent a cheap dedicated server from a hosting company, I strongly recommend you take the time to find out what are their customers saying about their service. This critical matter can be the foundation of a long term relationship that benefits you both, and the lack of support can definitely make your company and reputability fade away.

See you later, and good luck hunting around!

To get more information on the dedicated server hosting industry, please visit us at

Henry C. Walsh
Dedicated Server Advisor Contributor

Henry Walsh is a reputed expert in the web hosting industry. He is a regular contributor of several specialized web pages and ezines related to the subject.

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