Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Make Money on eBay - The Power of Knowledge

Those who make money on eBay know that there is great power in knowledge. They know that to be successful an entrepreneur must possess two types of knowledge. First there is the technical knowledge and expertise associated with their market niche and the products that they sell in that niche. Next comes business knowledge.

Technical knowledge and expertise comes in many ways. It can be obtained through formal education, work and life experience, and through self-training. It can be the result of a passion for a specific hobby. More important that how it is obtained is that it exists and that the entrepreneur recognizes that existence and uses it in their business. Applying that technical knowledge and expertise to the business is what creates the chance to make money on eBay.

Business knowledge doesn’t need to come from formal training. Often it can come through practical experience or the application of information that an entrepreneur has found by reading books and articles on business. It is by applying that business knowledge that an enterprise can grow, succeed and ultimately the entrepreneur can make money on eBay.

If there is a gap in knowledge and expertise, the entrepreneur needs to fill that gap. It can be done by hiring an expert in that specific area. For example if an entrepreneur lacks marketing knowledge but realizes that the next step in business growth requires a marketing expert a temporary worker, a consultant or an online marketing service could be used to fill the gap. The entrepreneur will learn and the business will grow all while moving ever-closer to the goal to make money on eBay. The same strategy can be used when dealing with a technical gap.

Knowledge and expertise provides power to the entrepreneur who uses it effectively. That knowledge and expertise comes in two forms. First there is the technical knowledge associated with the specific market niche and products that are sold. Then there is the business knowledge to effectively operate and grow the business. In combination this powerful duo can result in achieving the goal to make money on eBay.

To your eBay success!
To read my free e-report "Dropship Facts" check outwww.onlineauctionsmadesimple.net Bob Hamilton is an entrepreneur, writer and consultant. Bob sold his brick and mortor store to sell on eBay and has been helping others to get started on eBay ever since. http://www.openingadollarstore.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bob_Hamilton

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