Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Four Unique Ways To Find Items To Sell On Ebay

Have you been bitten by the “eBay bug” and had fun and success selling online? If so, you’ve probably cleaned out your basement and attic and sold most of your unused items. Now you’re wondering where you can find other things to sell to keep your business going.

You’re probably ready for the next step – finding an outside source of items you can sell for profit. If you want to let someone else handle the shipping and inventory, you can utilize a drop-shipper and all you have to do is take the order. There are advantages and disadvantages to this method and there is more information on this topic in the article titled “Drop Shipping Your Way To eBay Profits”.

If you are a “hands-on” person and you like to find, touch and ship your inventory yourself, here are some ideas you can use to find other things to sell.

Garage sales and flea markets - There are two different approaches to searching garage sales and the like to find items to sell. The first might be called, “Searching for the Gold”. With this strategy you pick through the inventory looking for things you know will sell. Robin Tungett has put together a guide for finding hidden garage sale bargains. With this book or one similar to it you will have a much better chance of spotting that $1 or $2 items that you can sell for $50 on eBay. The second approach might be called, “I’ll give you $20 for everything here” -- At garage sales, flea markets, bazaars, and swap meets across the country at the end of the afternoon there are lots of tired people who just want to call it a day. You swoop in and take a look at their left-over items, and offer to buy everything they have remaining for one price. Will you get some junk? Sure you will. Will you also get items perfect for sale on eBay? You bet. So sell what you can and then reduce your taxes and feel good by donating anything you don’t want to Goodwill. If you offer a low price and are prepared to bargain then you should drive away with enough items to easily turn a profit when you list and sell them.

eBay Power Seller Avirl Harper has a unique system for an eBay business based on tearing up old books and magazines and selling them. If you enjoy the craft business some of her ideas are very clever and you could easily have a never ending supply of sellable items.

Not every store is like a Wal-Mart, and smaller Mom and Pop operations sometimes have discontinued, overstock, and seasonal merchandise that they want to get rid of. Visit a few and talk to the owners. Ask them if they have items that they have not sold and that’s taking up space on their floor or warehouse. Sometimes you can find boxes of items that can be bought for rock-bottom prices. The merchandise is not doing the store owner any good and you are offering them cash and freeing up their space. And getting a great deal on items you can sell.

There are rental storage units in just about every corner of the country now, and it is not uncommon for someone to stop paying rent on the unit. The company will padlock the storage unit until the rent is paid. If the owner does not pay then there will be an auction for the contents. In California alone there are over 9,000 storage unit auctions every year. Frequently you have to buy the contents without knowing what you are getting. They might let you look in the door but you have no way of knowing what is in boxes or furniture drawers. But the bidding is often not high at these auctions and there are many items which can be resold. If you’re interested in this business Blaine Herbst has written a comprehensive book on how to make money from storage auctions.

For more information on the resources included in this article please visit us at our main website, www.ebay-selling.info. Four solid ways of finding inventory for your eBay store. If none of these appeal to you then read our information about drop shipping titled “Drop Shipping Your Way To eBay Profits”.
Beth Wallin is a Power Seller who started selling her own personal items on eBay in 1998 and now runs her own eBay drop-off store. She believes anyone can succeed on eBay and her http://www.ebay-selling.info website has lots of additional free articles and information for becoming a successful seller.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Beth_Wallin

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