Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Where to Find Items for Your First eBay Auction

This is one of the most simple things you need to do. Do you have a closet, a basement, or an attic? It’s all a matter of looking at your worldly possessions through new eyes, the eyes of an eBay seller. Start cleaning things out and you’ll probably be surprised at what you find. Don’t think things like “who in their right mind would buy this junk”, but “I wonder how much I could sell this for on eBay!”.

What about:

• Clothes you or your family members have outgrown. Just because they won’t fit you doesn’t mean they won’t fit one of the millions of shoppers on eBay. And if you think something is out of fashion you might be surprised at the market for vintage clothing.

• Gifts you’ve received but never used. If they are in the original boxes, all the better.

• Redecorate your house with the money you earn from selling your old lamps, wall hangings, decorative pots, rugs, and other similar items.

• Do you have old electronics, things that seemed “cool” a decade ago but now you can’t use, such as cassette players, radios, or old eight track systems and tapes? Guess what you can do with them now.

• Old books can find new readers on eBay. If they are very old that might make them even more valuable.

Just about everything has some resale value. You won’t get rich selling off your unwanted household possessions but you will have a chance to practice writing your listings, posting auctions, dealing with customers, gaining experience, and building up your feedback rating.

if you have exhausted these types of items then you may be interested in reading our article about 4 unique ways to find items to sell on ebay.

Beth Wallin is a Power Seller who started selling her own personal items on eBay in 1998 and now runs her own eBay drop-off store. She believes anyone can succeed on eBay and her http://www.ebay-selling.info website has lots of additional free articles and information for becoming a successful seller.

NOTE: You have full permission to reprint this article within your website or newsletter as long as you leave the article fully intact and include the author's bio and the website link.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Beth_Wallin

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