Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Web Banner Advertising: Why Do I Need Tons Of Hard-To-Get-Hits To Make Just One Miserable Sale?

One of the most discouraging things that has ever happened to me online was the time when I signed up for this affiliate program belonging to a very well known brand where they mainly used web banner advertising for their entire web campaign.

Every morning I would stare at my affiliate stats feeling rather depressed. Despite thousands of page loads, I would hardly ever get more than a handful of clicks. And I figured I would require about 1,000 clicks to achieve just one sale. But at the rate that I was getting them clicks it was going to take about a decade to make a miserable handful of sales.

This web banner advertising thing puzzled me for a long time in those days. The banner ads were professionally created, colorful (they brightened up my site tremendously) and they looked inviting, just the sort of thing everybody would want to quickly click at, more so because the content on my site was very relevant to those banner ads.

Luckily this story has a happy ending. I discovered an amazing truth. Using exactly the same wording of the web banner advertising in a small boring looking text ad got me many more clicks. And when I found a way to put a text link somewhere in my content leading to the same affiliate program site, my clicks and my sales exploded. As you may have already guessed, that was the last time I used web banner advertisements.

The lesson I learnt which you must grasp is that folks hate advertising and will even pay money to avoid it. So they will always run away from anything that looks like an advertisement and the facts is web banner ads just scream "advertising."

And that was also about the time I discovered the real power of the only form of web advertising that I have used since then, that is promotional articles. It is not just about posting well-written articles at the right places. How you place links in your articles and where you place them is terribly important because promotional articles will never work if you do not have any idea about search engine optimization (SEO).

Discover the secrets behind my non-banner web advertising techniques.

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