Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Streaming How To Secrets

There are so many web sites on the internet and it is becoming a lot more difficult to distinguish yourself. With this in mind it is becoming a lot more important to make your web site more professional and different. Doing this will only benefit you as it will make your web site stand out and convert much better. More people will opt in to your squeeze page or buy your product. What I have found is that if you use audio streaming on your web site then your web site visitors can convert up to three hundred percent better.

The first step is that you need to decide what method you are going to use to do your audio streaming. There are sites on the internet that allow you to create your audio over the telephone and your audio files are hosted for you. You have to pay a monthly charge for this service. Alternatively you can purchase a software package that will allow you create your audio files and host them on your web site.

The next step is to record your audio. Now the audio will create an impression on your visitor and if you use a testimonial people are more likely to believe you and you also establish trust. This will definitely have a favourable impact and make your web site profitable. You can also include a call to action for example enter your name and email address to receive your free report.

Once you understand how to add audio streaming to your web site it will have a significant impact on your web business. With the inclusion of some testimonials and a call to action you can significantly increase your web site conversion.

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Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mark_A._Abrahams

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