Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The Secret to Becoming a Successful Affiliate Marketer!

Like many others, I discovered the exciting world of Affiliate Marketing and plunged right in. Everyone made it seem so easy. Pick a clickbank product, write some pay per click ads to advertise your product, and sit back and watch the checks roll in.

I tried this for a while and gave up in frustration. It wasn’t as easy as it sounded.

I soon realized that I needed a squeeze page to capture email addresses, so I could build a list. But I’m not a techie, and this presented more problems. How do you set up a website? How do you make a squeeze page? How do you create an autoresponder series? What is the best way to advertise to your list without making it seem like you’re a salesperson out to make a quick buck on the latest product?

I spent more money on “how to” ebooks, and became more and more confused. There is so much information out there, that it can soon become overwhelming.

Well, let me save you some time and money. I discovered the secret.

First, you have to accept the fact, that this is a business. You must be willing to invest time in learning the basics, and money buying the right products. But the real secret is that you need to find the right mentor, someone you can trust and follow.

So, I made a big decision. I decided to attend an Internet Marketing Seminar and meet these people for myself. The seminar I attended cost $5,000 and it was worth every penny. It was the best decision I had made. I learned more in that three day seminar than I had learned in the past two years, trying to do it on my own.

I quickly realized that there were experts in every area of Internet Marketing. I heard experts speak about list building, driving traffic, conversion tricks, ad tracking, split-testing, autoresponders, coaching programs, google adwords and adsense and the various scripts available. I learned about Web 2.0, blogs and social bookmarking. I learned how to use Utube and MySpace to drive more traffic to websites. I came away with a ton of new resources and new contacts. My head was spinning.

But the best part was, that not only did I have the opportunity to learn from some fantastic speakers, but I had the opportunity to talk to them in person, as well. I was amazed at how helpful they all were and how willing they were to help me succeed.

I soon realized that becoming successful in this field is not just a matter of reading a bunch of ebooks and blindly going off on your own. To become successful, it is critical to have help and guidance from people who know what they’re doing. I realized that I needed mentors and I quickly discovered the marketers who I wanted as my mentors.

Believe me, it was well worth the investment. If you have the opportunity to attend a seminar, go! But maybe that’s not possible for you right now. So just follow in my footsteps. See what my mentors have to offer and judge for yourself! Take some time to follow their advice and in no time at all, you’ll be an expert!

Dorothea Carney has been a teacher for many years and an entrepreneur forever. She has recently discovered the secret to Affiliate Marketing success and wants to share it with you.
Visit: http://favoritementors.com/11505
For other ideas, go to: http://instant-web-builder.smmsite.com/11507

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dorothea_Carney

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