Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Make Money Selling on eBay - Grab the Prospective Buyer's Attention

One of the challenges faced by those who want to make money selling on eBay is to grab the attention of prospective buyers. With so many sellers offering similar products in some categories it is those who are effective at grabbing that attention that are most likely to succeed. Yet how does a seller accomplish that challenging task?

One method to make money selling on eBay is by using testimonials. Endorsements and testimonials can really draw attention to your items. However, be sure that everything you include is factual and never allow misleading or false statements to be included. There are eBay guidelines as well as laws associated with false and misleading advertising. Be sure you understand those requirements and adhere. Remember that federal prosecution over fraud could be a real business-ending and life changing experience!

Another very effective method to show that you believe in your products and that you stand behind them is to offer a 100%, no questions asked, money-back guarantee. If you want to make money selling on eBay then sell quality that you guarantee. Sure every once in a while there will be a request for a refund that is not valid; those few are not a reason to shy away.

Use catchy and eye catching headlines on your listings. Be accurate in the headline and listing, but always remember that you cannot make a sale unless you catch the prospective buyers’ attention and get them to stop and read your listing. Be sure that the listing itself clearly shows the benefits of the item and write it in a manner that will appeal to your target buyer. If you want to make money selling on eBay never forget to ask for the sale in your listings.

For those who work to make money selling on eBay grabbing the attention of prospective buyers is one of the secrets. Be sure to try different approaches as you work to create just the right listing. That perfect listing grabs the prospective buyers attention will thoroughly and accurately describing the item and the benefits that it offers.

To your eBay success!

To read my free e-report "Dropship Facts" check out www.onlineauctionsmadesimple.net Bob Hamilton is an entrepreneur, writer and consultant. Bob sold his brick and mortor store to sell on eBay and has been helping others to get started on eBay ever since. http://www.openingadollarstore.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bob_Hamilton

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