Thursday, June 21, 2007

The Ins and Outs of Domain Suffixes

In the fast paced world of the internet, it can be easy to use certain functions without knowing what they really are. This is particularly true for the suffixes on domains, so let’s take a closer look.

The obvious place to start is with the most common suffix which is “COM”. It is operated by Verisign. It is a catchall suffix that can be used for just about any site on the web. The NET and INFO suffixes fall under the same guidelines.

The AERO suffix is one few are familiar with. As the suffix suggests, it is designated for sites in the air transport industry. It is run by the Societe Internationale de Telecommunications Aeronautiques, better known as SITA. This is an inter-industry suffix and is not used by airlines moving the general public.

NeuLevel, Inc. runs the suffix “BIZ”. It is a relatively new suffix. It is supposed to be used only by sites providing a “bona fide business or commercial” subject matter.

The “GOV” suffix is one that is supposed to be used by government agencies. It is run by the US General Services Administration. A common subversive tactic on the web is to reserve COM version of government domains. Whitehouse with the COM suffix receives tons of type in traffic, but is not the official site of the White House.

The EDU suffix is run by the U.S. Department of Education. It can only be used by an agency on a list of Nationally Recognized Accredited Agencies list maintained by the Department. These are typically education oriented sites such as universities.

The ORG domain suffix is reserved for non-profit entities. It is operated by the Public Interest Registry. It is one of the more abused domain suffixes on the web. There are many sites operating with ORG suffixes that are hardly non-profits.

The MOBI suffix is a recent development. It is designated for sites that are oriented to mobile computing devices. Most sites will have crossover functions for mobile viewers, so one has to wonder about the point of this suffix.

There are other suffixes out there and it seems more are proposed on a monthly basis. The simple fact is most of them are not and never will be used. People are conditioned to use the common COM, NET and ORG suffixes, so new suffixes have an uphill battle to receive notoriety.

One area where a new domain suffix may be on the way is in the arena of the adult internet site, to wit, pornography. There is much wrangling these days over a XXX suffix. It has not happened to date, but could in the near future.

At this point in time, it is wise to always use the COM suffix unless there is a specific reason for your site to use something else. People are simply conditioned to type in COM, so take advantage of it.

Halstatt Pires writes for the free online internet marketing newsletter you can join at

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