Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Improving Your Profit Through Audio Streaming

With the advent of audio streaming on the Internet, embedding some audio effects on your site is surely going to be a hit. Besides the fact that people in general are inclined to listening audible sounds or music while doing their own personal thing joining the bandwagon of audio streaming will not hurt your site in any way. There are few tips that I can share with you to keep yourself abreast with putting an audio streaming on your site to generate more traffic on your site.

 Make your visitors feel welcomed by the audio of greeting personalized by your own voice. When a visitor of a site opens your site and hears your personal voice greeting and thanking him or her for taking a while to visit your site, it creates an ambience of friendship and personal attachment.

 To pileup the audio streaming on your site, you may include some testimonials you have gathered from other people. You may request your visitors to personally record, too, their testimonials and have them aired on your site.

 Sites are generally information giver. You may want to create and record your obtained information and allow them to be played by the client or the ones visiting your site. In which case, you are seemingly creating a “voice illusion” that you are actually present with them when they listen to your information.

 To create a lasting relationship with your clients or visitors, you may opt at sending them an audio e-card or e-mail once in a while. This gives them the impression that you actually reminded of their visit on your site.

Want to learn more about it? Download the free ebook, Steps to Article Marketing Success.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=James_Krawder

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