Thursday, June 21, 2007

eBook Writing - 6 Steps To Exploding Your Profits With The Perfect eBook Topic!

1.Figure out what you are passionate about because of you aren’t passionate about your subject you’ll be more apt to give up on it. Even if you write your ebook quickly, you will be marketing it for a very long time if you are serious about making money on the Internet. So you need passion to sustain you. A good example of this is Scott Peck who wrote The Road Less Traveled. Peck committed to giving one radio interview a day for years. The book which was written in 1978 made 258 appearances on The New York Times best-seller list by the mid 1990’s because of his ongoing persistence and dedication to the process. So ask yourself, are you passionate enough to stick with your ebook topic and your marketing plan for several years? If the answer is a resounding “yes” then it’s a good topic for your ebook.

2.Figure out what your good at. You can’t do well if you aren’t good at what you do. You want to do something that comes naturally and is easy for you. Nobody wants to struggle day in and day out. And you won’t do well if you don’t have the skills to do what you are trying to accomplish. John Assaraff, a motivational and wealth coach says that if something is work for you and fun for somebody else, let them do it and stick to what you do well. It’s one of the keys to success and John should know he’s made millions! So make sure you pick a topic that you can excel at.

3.Figure out where your passion and your skill set intersects. That’s the easiest place for you to be successful. If you’re passionate about something and good at it then you’ll have a better chance of succeeding at it. You’ll probably find 3 or 4 areas that fit the bill, so look at these carefully and decide which one makes the most sense for you to pursue at this time as a topic for you ebook.

4.Find a target market that is hungry for what you have to offer, hangs out on the Internet, and has money to spend. A good topic is one where you can make money easily and it won’t happen unless you can connect with a target market that wants what you are offering, has discretionary income and is accessible to you. So make sure you choose a topic that your target market wants and can afford. And make sure you can find them easily on the Internet to market to them on a regular basis.

5.Figure out EXACTLY what they want.The more specifically you can identify exactly what your market wants to buy, the better you can cater to their needs and pick appropriate topics to write about that they will buy!

6. Give it to them! Once you figure out what your target market wants that you are passionate about and can deliver...give it to them! Before you know it the money will be rolling in!

Visit for more tips and tools on ebook writing and marketing. You can also subscribe to 9 Free Secret eBook Tips To Making Money Online and The eBook Profit Secrets Newsletter ($147) at: for insightful articles, technical tips, q & a's and more! You are also invited to visit for more information the Quick Start 3-Day eBook Authoring Home-Study Course that is turning frustrated writers into bona fide authors in 72 hours or less!

Ellen Violette, The eBook Coach, is the creator of the Quick-Start 3-Day eBook Authoring Workshop which teaches people how to author an ebook in 72 hours or less..Guaranteed! She is also the creator of eBook Profit Marketing Secrets a step-by-step guide to building a profitable ebook and information business online and co-author of Sell More eBooks, Low And No-Cost Tactics To Explode Your eBook Sales And Downloads with Internet Expert Jim Edwards. Ellen has also written The eBook Journal For Authoring Success and more. And, she is a Grammy-nominated songwriter.

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