Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Affiliate Project X - An Honest Affiliate Project X Review

I've been doing affiliate marketing for about a year, and I won't kid you and tell you it's been an easy adventure. I think the one thing I can say is that I haven't lost money, and if you've done any affiliate marketing, you probably know that when you first start out, this can be difficult to achieve. In some of my more frustrating moments I decided to buy some guides that I thought would help. One promoted splogging, one was a gambling scheme and another basically told me how to set up a Clickbank account and a Google Adwords account. I already knew how to do that, so it was junk. Actually, there are two that I would recommend wholeheartedly for a variety of reasons.

Recently, I fell into the hype of a new e-book called "Affiliate Project X". Maybe you've heard of it. No, this isn't one of those stories where I tell you about my skepticism, bought the product anyways and was blown away. Actually, I was quite disappointed in "Affiliate Project X".

Here's why I was disappointed:

1. A lot of the information was contained in Adwords Miracle, which I found to be a decent e-book for the intermediate affiliate marketer as I was, and I wholeheartedly promote this book.

2. Some of the techniques promoted such as offering a bonus or refund are practices that violate the terms of service for Clickbank affiliates. I've actually been having some conversations with Clickbank about this over the last few days because I think it unfair for those who are trying to go about the affiliate marketing business honestly to have their businesses put at a stand still because of those wanting to side-step the terms of agreement and practice deceptive methods to get sales because they don't want to put in the work.

3. The third reason I was disappointed was because besides the repetitive nature of the contents and the promotion of terms of violations, a method of link cloaking was promoted that did not work and the author had ample time to remove this section or even to alter it after being emailed about the fact that it doesn't work a few times. This was a complete let down. I'm wondering how many affiliates using the methods have actually caught on to this or even have the ability to test whether it's working.

All in all, after testing the methods and deciding I did not want to be that type of affiliate marketer, I have to say that I give Affiliate Project X a big zero. For those of you who made some money from it, good for you. However, I will sleep a lot better knowing that I'm an honest business person in the affiliate marketing business for the long haul using honest methods.

For more articles on affiliate marketing tips and resources, go to AffiliateMarketing101.net

The author of this article runs AffiliateMarketing101.net and AffiliateMarketingGuides.com, an affiliate marketing guides review site.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nikolai_Davids

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