Friday, June 29, 2007

Forums - 7 Best Ways to Excell at Forums

The current era can rightly be termed as the era of innovation. The technology has improved a lot during this era. The use of internet has increased a lot. Never before in the past was the use of internet so common. Today the bulk of the trade and businesses have their own online interfaces for their prospective customers. The world of trade and commerce has changed a lot. Not only that the internet has changed the face of the world of trade, it has also affected us in many other ways. Internet is also the most important source of information exchange today. Keeping all these in view, we can use forums on the websites to our advantage. Forums are those web pages on a web site which are dedicated to discuss a certain problem or issue. The opinions of people who are interested are collected on that one page. As a result, you do not bee dot carry out long meetings in offices to share your opinions. The forums do that for you and save your time.

Many offices are using forums as a regular feature as these help them tin reducing the time wasted on meetings which prolong because a consensus is to be reached. If you want to use forums to your advantage, be careful about how you state your opinion. Use the proper language and state your point of view clearly. Listen to others carefully. Do not over react as forums are a public place. By doing this you will be able to use forums to your advantage.

Want to learn more about it? Download the free ebook, Steps to Article Marketing Success.

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Is Forum Posting An Efficient Way Of Increasing Your Site Rankings?

When done correctly, forum posting can be one of the most efficient ways to increase your site ranking. With the ability to spread your knowledge across the board, target specific keywords and get your name out on the internet, forums are extremely beneficial for increasing your traffic volume. However, it is vital that you are aware of the difference between promoting your website and spamming the forum.

Every forum has their own rules to what can be posted and what can’t. If you abide by these rules there will be no problems, but disregarding them in any manner can result in a lifetime ban from that forum. Not only can you be banned from the forum, but you will also put out a bad name for yourself and your business.

It is important that you take the time to either ask in the forum what type of advertising is allowed or check the rules. Some forums may allow you to simply put your website link in a post and promote your website. Other websites have variations to ways you can advertise. For instance, some forums have an advertising forum within the forum that allows you advertise all you want without spamming everyone.

If you really want to increase your site ranking with forum posting, the secret lies within the signature file of each post. By including your website link within your signature and putting your signature with your post, you are guaranteed to increase the number of backlinks coming towards you. The more times you post in the forum, the more people will become accustomed to seeing your website link.

As mentioned above, forum posting is a great way to share your knowledge on whatever topic your website is based off of. Across the internet there are thousands of people changing words and phrases around with content and claiming it as their own. If you can come up with fresh and enticing content to entice readers within the forum, you will intrigue people to check out your website. Everyone is looking for fresh ideas to increase their knowledge, and if you can provide it to them you will increase your site ranking quickly.

With all this said, there is no way you can increase your site ranking by posting in forums once a week. In order to get the full effect, you have to be willing to drop a post in every forum that you’re associated with at least three times a week. Every day is ideal, but it can be difficult remembering to every day.

So, is forum posting an efficient way to increase your site ranking? The answer is most certainly yes as long as you do it correctly. By avoiding spamming forums and taking the time to post fresh and enticing content a few times a week, you will notice a difference in the amount of traffic you are receiving and over time you will find your site climbing in the rankings.

Written by: Tom Dahne and Paul Martin Website: and

Tom Dahne and Paul Martin are the owners of the very popular directory called Link Directory which is 100% SEO friendly and Human edited, and it accepts free and paid submissions for any quality website so feel free to submit your website today for inclusion.

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How Managing A FORUM On Your Site Can INCREASE Your Sales

Do you remember the promise that got you interested in online marketing?

Was it the "your website will generate sales 24 hours a day"? Was it the "wake up to 'Notification of payment received' every day"? Was it the "tons of profits - very little investment"?

Whatever promise it was (for me, it was the "sells 24 hours a day"), the promise was based on the POWER of the Internet to promote your business and make sales simple for your customer. It was based on the power of the Internet to put your business in front of your customers, at any time of day, anywhere in the world.

Your website is your business. Some businesses set their website up to be simply a long - yet educational - sales letter, focused on your main product. Other businesses' websites are focused on educating and empowering the customer, because a customer who knows about your market will know why your product or service is the best.

A key to converting visitors to your website into customers (paying customers) of your business is making sure they stay on your website. Interesting text. Unusual or exciting video. Changing content. Articles that keep the customer informed. All of these things will keep your customers coming back to the website, and have them stay on your website for longer periods of time.

Having your customers interact with the website is one of the best ways to keep them coming back and hanging around. It could be a game. It could be a chat feature. But the chat feature is only workable as long as someone is on YOUR end to chat with. And it's pretty risk to allow an unmonitored chat room these days.

Setting up a forum on your website can accomplish these goals. Many hosting companies offer forums to websites. You can also obtain commercial software to attach to your website. You can limit the forum to members only, or open it up to any visitor (or "guest"). By opening it up, you increase the attractiveness to the casual visitor, but you also lose the ability to find who posted an inappropriate post.

Managing the forum is not very much work, but that little bit of work will return GREAT dividends! You can set up the forum so that you review and approve any postings. You can also allow any posting at all, but then remove any posts you consider off-topic, inappropriate or spam. By regularly monitoring your forums, and especially removing spam messages, your customers will appreciate that YOU value their time in the forum, and their postings in the forum, and that you are making sure that their postings are seen, and not lost in the clutter.

Managing a forum on your website shows your customers that you are offering them services to help them, and not just continually selling to them. By managing the forum and keeping it clean of spam, keeping posts on topic and relevant, and maybe highlighting particularly valuable posts, you show your customers that your business supports their improvement, even when your business doesn't profit directly. Customers respond positively to businesses that support them. Using a forum to build a community out of your list can only increase your positive reputation among your customers.

ERIK CARTER is the author of "Aggressive Pleadings For The Non-Custodial Father," "Don't Just Build A List - Build A COMMUNITY," and "Six Temptations Of Jesus Christ", all offered EXCLUSIVELY on START YOUR LIFE NOW! (, a website focused on helping you achive EXCELLENCE in ALL areas of your life by helping you to achieve excellence in Business - Family - Fitness - Spirituality - Personal.

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Forums - Experience The Power Of The Forums

The following article is one of a series of articles which focus on Affiliate, Article and Internet Marketing. All of the articles are based on real experiences and research done over twenty years as a personal and business coach. They are also written in response to questions which I have been asked as well as address common challenges that people have with affiliate marketing, article marketing, internet marketing or running an online business in general. I sincerely hope that you find the following information of value. One idea, one tip, one clue can make all the difference.

Forums - Experience The Power Of The Forums

This Internet Community Of Ours…

It's amazing really. The longer you hang out online the more you realize how small the internet community really is. Sure there are millions of people online, but there are tight communities or smaller niches that people belong to and visit frequently.

I meet people I know in different forums all the time. It's amazing how much we have in common, it's amazing the number of people who are prepared to help, to pay it forward. I have had requests for help (which I am only to glad to give) as well as receive sound advice and guidance to help me move forward.

It's not the first time. It happens all the time.

Why is this a good thing? It is part of doing business online. Building relationships... but you also build personal relationships with some. You share personal experiences. You help each other through good and bad times.

It's truly amazing.

If you haven't already done so, find a good forum to hang around. There are some bad ones, but if you look, you'll find the good ones.

Just start hanging around. You'll start to get to know the people. Then you can start participating... or just jump in.

There are forums for everything. Whatever you're involved in. If you got a career, there's a forum for it. If you are in business, there's a forum for it. If you have a hobby, there's a forum for it.

I hang around mostly internet marketing, tech, and other business related forums.

I don't know where I would be today if I hadn't discovered their power.

The biggest benefits for me have been

* Meeting some great people
* Sharing thoughts and ideas
* Helping others to be more successful
* Profiting from JV opportunities
* Talking directly with some very powerful internet marketers

Beyond relationships you can learn endless things. Not just anything. Things drawing from experience. It's better than a textbook. It's interactive. If you ask there is usually someone waiting with an answer. You can search databases of threads that could contain untold information...

The exact information you need to get started or to turn your business around.

Experience the Power of Forums... Explore and Grow!

How to Enter a Forum...

That sounds silly doesn't it? Why would I have to learn how to enter a forum? I just sign up and post right?

It would seem on the surface to be that easy, but I see a lot of people getting themselves into all kinds of bother and having a real hard time...

Over time forums create a very tight community. Everyone learns the rules and looks out for each other...

That's the first thing... Read the rules. Different forums approach how you display links differently or even what you can talk about, so don't blow it on your first or second visit.

The other thing is don't come in gang busters!! Don't try to prove yourself and get too excited about showing everyone your knowledge etc. Take it easy and build. Build your knowledge as well as your reputation.

Get to know the community first. Hang out for a while. Introduce yourself politely... Usually there is a separate area set aside for intros... And then start browsing.

Get to know the other members and posters... Remember a lot of these people have known each other for a while. They may even be doing business behind the scenes - partnerships, joint ventures etc.

Once you have a feel for it, start helping out.

Helping out... If you have any knowledge to contribute, provide it... Help people with things you know about.

Learn... Read... Learn... Read some more... Ask questions...

Then let it rip if you want to.

The bottom line is very few people will go crazy right from the word go. There is an exception here or there, but usually the community wants to see you contribute for a while before you get too bold. They need to get to know you, and you, them.

Definitely don't provide a sales pitch in your first post... You will getting flaming posts and anger the community. Everyone will see it as spam.

It's just like building any relationship. Easy does it at first until you get to know each other.

Forums are powerful things. Don't abuse that power. And promise me you won't ruin your reputation.

Are you still struggling with internet marketing and how to make money online consistently? Fed up seeing zero sales in your stats? Stop worrying, that's why I am here. Keep reading my articles as well as visiting my site at the link below.

Providing a focused problem solving approach through our personal and business coaching. Our primary theme and overriding goal is to provide you with the right choices that fit your needs, solve your problems. So, stop struggling now.

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Forums 101 - Get Started & Get Connected

Internet forums has bridged the geographical barriers that separate online users. With the creation of these web applications, online users can easily discuss certain topics with a specified online community in front of their computers. Internet forums bring together the people sharing the same interest, beliefs, and aspirations. It is for this reason that its has become popular to Internet users regardless of age, religion, economic status, etc.

If you are not yet a member of any forum, you are missing a lot! Here's how you can join:

1. Search the Internet for forums that talks about your interests. There are thousands, if not millions of forums in the Internet today and their topics range from wedding to politics, pets to flowers, etc. Whatever you'd like to talk about, you'll surely find a community that shares your interest. 2. Register and be a member. Most forums doesn't allow non-members to view the discussions or post comments and reply.

3. Introduce yourself. You don't need to reveal any personal information. Why you are joining the community and what you expect to get from it will be enough.

4. Browse. Click on the threads and read what your new community has to say about certain topics. You can also post a reply or start a new topic.

5. Interact. Now that you are officially a member of the community, you can interact with other members. If everything works out fine, the community can even become your support group.

Joining an online forum can be fun and interesting. In here you can expect to learn a lot and at the same time be heard. So what are you waiting for, sign up!

Want to learn more about it? Download the free ebook, Steps to Article Marketing Success.

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Targeted Forums - 4 Ways to Forums

Forums are gaining popularity nowadays and therefore they provide a platform for marketing one’s products and each forum also has one target group, so advertising through forums helps in getting through to a readymade target group.

Forums can be joined for free and thus such marketing does not require huge advertising budgets. Each forum requires every user to create a profile and alsooffers the option of having a signature – that is, messages which get added to every post that the user makes on the forum. Therefore, one can use the signature to link to one’s website. However, some forums do not allow links to be created in the signature section. It is wise to read the terms and conditions of the forum before joining it.

Forums are a great way for interacting with other people who share similar interests. Forums are created, like other online communities, with one general or specific idea. Therefore, every forum is already a target group.

Here are some tips on using forums to advertise one’s products.

The most important thing is to join a forum that is related to the product one is trying to sell and where the users are possible customers.

It is also a good idea to join more than one forum. In fact one should join several forums all of which are related to the product one is trying to sell.

To make sure that people notice the posts, it is best not to make uninteresting posts. If the posts are interesting, then users of the forum will be on the lookout for posts from the specific user and the signature and the link will become more effective.

It is also a good idea to post in a simple and easy language so as to make one’s posts accessible to most people.

Do you want to learn about article marketing? Download a free guide today: Secrets of Article Marketing

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Want to learn more about driving traffic? Download a free traffic guide here: Traffic Generation

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Best Forums - 4 First Steps to Forums

The internet has become very commonly used medium world wide People from all parts of the world access the required information and sources of entertainment through the internet. There is a lot more on the internet than what was anticipated by general users of internet few years back. The internet provides the people with a lot of platforms which are interesting, and which give the chance to share their opinions with others.

Forums are one such platform. The use of forums has increased a lot in recent past. Few years back the use of forums was not as common as it is today. People used to have forums on their websites but rarely were those forums as active as they are today. The difference in the situation is basically due to the fact that the life style of people has changed a lot in the recent past. Forums are now a very active platform of opinion exchange. Forums are also being used as a social media tool for internet marketing.

Forums have a lot of advantage for the owners of websites. If you want to excell at the use of forums, follow certain steps and you will get the maximum benefit out of your efforts. First of all, you must be very clear about your requirement form your forums. If you want to use the forums as a marketing tool, then you must be very clear about it. Your website should be so designed that the forums must be user friendly. In this way anybody who visits your website can participate in the forums. Start discussions of promotional nature on your forum. This will result in an improved page ranking for your website.

Want to learn more about it? Download the free ebook, Steps to Article Marketing Success.

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Earning As a Forum Entrepreneur

With the increasing number of forums created now and then, more and more Internet users are sharing and looking for some quick information on this great learning platform. Creative Forum Entrepreneurs, seeing this opportunity, grab the chance to generate revenue in these forums. This article will illustrate how a Forum Entrepreneur gain tremendously income by simply participating in the forums.

There are many forums that offer free marketplace for the members to trade freely. Some of these popular forums tor the Webmasters are DigitalPoint, WebMaster-Talk, NamePros, WebHostingTalk and EarnersForum. These forums offer a great opportunity for everyone to earn money by selling products or services.

Many forum members would have knew that they can simply sell their products or services if they own them respectively. However, is it possible for someone to generate income if he / she does not own any products or offer any services? The answer is yes, absolutely. In fact, I have been selling and promoting other people's product in the forums most of the time. This is the power of outsource.

By outsourcing the correct product to the right market, you can simply earn by managing the customers and push the orders to your service providers. If you were to look in any forums, you will notice that there are many services offered by various Entrepreneurs.

There are also several other ways to profit as a Forum Entrepreneur. For example, you can look out for profitable sites in the forums and buy them to maintain or sell off for a quick profit. These may not be as easy for the new forum members but this is definitely a good area to study especially if you are looking for long term profit online.

Forum Entrepreneurs do not mean selling your products in the forums or creating a discussion platform for the Internet users. They simply make use of several targeted forums to look for great services and generate profit by outsourcing.

To conclude, earning as a Forum Entrepreneur is much easier than creating your own product or services and sell them in the forums or other places. Be creative and look out for online opportunities and think about how to repackage that particular service.

KC has been a Forum Entrepreneur for the past few years and is the author of The Essential Guide For Forum Entrepreneurs. He also shares his experience on how to make money on the Internet in his blog. In addition, he is also the owner of a popular Free CSS Templates site.

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Stealth Forum Tactics

Using forums can be a very powerful tactic if you know how. In this information age where technology rules it has become very important for your users of a web site to form a community and be able to contact each other. I am sure that you would have noticed that most big web sites have a forum that is very active by regular visitors to the web site. Not only does this increase the traffic from search engines as you get fresh content added on a daily basis that will get indexed by search engines you also get repeat traffic from your active users and you can also monetize this traffic with Google Adsense adverts and affiliate links.

You can also use forums to promote your own internet business. You need to search for forums related to your niche and post regularly in those forums. Now do not spam the forums as this will damage your credibility. Post helpful content on the forums and establish yourself. Once you have done this you can form profitable joint ventures with the other users of the forums.

Another tactic that has really worked very well for me is that you are allowed to use your unique selling proposition in your signature. Some forums allow you to use a banner. If you design an eye catching banner you can significantly increase your click through rate to your web site.

Once you master this method of traffic generation. It can be a very powerful tactic for your business. Not only will you build credibility for your business, but you will also get free traffic and keep a hundred percent of the profits.

Would you like to know more about the magical marketing techniques that have helped me to quit my day job? I have just completed my new guide.

Download it free here: Secrets Of Internet Marketing

Here's your chance to drive massive traffic to your web site: Secrets Of Article Marketing

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

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Quick Forums - 3 Keys to Advance in Forums

Forums are great tools to promote your site or products and they are fun too! Earn while you are interacting with people who share your interests by simply logging in to the forums and posting replies or new topics a couple of hours per day. Here are the best tips you can use to advance in Forums:

1. When you register, set up your signature file containing the URL of your web site. Every time you post, you create a link to your site to generate traffic. Be sure to read the rules though, as other forums would not allow the posting of URLs or hyperlinks.

2. Show your expertise. Interact with other members to show your expertise on your field. Post advices, useful tips, etc. This is your ticket to earn their interest which will play a big role when you pitch in your products. You will likely to close a sale if you have earned their trust first.

3. Find forums with many members. Do not waste your time posting to forums that does not even generate traffic. Join as many popular forums as possible to drive more traffic to your site. Don't have enough time to post on all forums? Hire a forum poster. He/she must be very familiar with the topic too.It is very crucial you set the expectation before allowing him/her to use your name and your link in forums.

Unleashed the power of forum marketing now and reap rewards in no time!

Want to learn more about it? Download the free ebook, Steps to Article Marketing Success.

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Want to learn more about driving traffic like I do? Download my free traffic guide here: Traffic Generation

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Targeted Advertising Online - Advanced Ways in Advertising Online

Advertising online is still the lucrative way to earn more profit. Without anyone knowing your business, how can you possibly sell? It is very important that people know you and what products or services you provide so you can make a sale. Here are the tips on how you can effectively advertise online:

1. Choose the perfect advertising medium. There are a lot of online advertising techniques these days. Choose the best mediums that works for your company. Would you want contextual advertising, banner ads, ezine advertising, forum advertising, etc.?

2. Understand which mediums work for you. If you have utilize 5 advertising mediums, monitor their performance. Identify which ones are generating more sale and which ones are not performing well. You can choose to focus on those that works to double your profit.

3. Monitor your conversion rate. If you paying search engines to advertise your products, keep track of your Return of Investment (ROI). If you are paying more than what you are earning, it is wiser to try another advertising method.

4. Experiment on your advertising copies. If your ads are not getting enough attention, they may need to be reformat or changed. Continuously update your ads until your get your desired response from your customers.

5. Maximize your profit for each customer. When interested visitors clicks on your site, be sure to offer him/her other products that he/she might be interested in. He/she may not purchase the product you initially offered but you can still make a profit through your other products.

Want to learn more about it? Download the free ebook, Steps to Article Marketing Success.

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Want to learn more about driving traffic like I do? Download my free traffic guide here: Traffic Generation

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Profitable Web Site Promotion - 5 Keys to Create More Money In Web Site Promotion

If you have a popular web site, you can definitely say you have won the battle in the Internet. With billions of web pages now, only few percent are really making money from them. Your site's popularity shouldn't end there, you have to take advantage of it to make profit. Here's how you can do it:

1. Sell some space on your site. Advertisers are always on the look out to find the most bankable web sites where they can put their ads. If you have good traffic, you can put banner ads for a fee.

2. Sell your products. Advertise your own product to make a profit. With huge number of visitor, you will surely make a sale.

3. Recommend other products. Review other products and post the review on your site. Tell your visitors its advantage and features. Businesses will be more than happy to pay you for recommending their products or services.

4. Link building. Web masters are always looking for sites where they can have a link from to generate traffic to their site. You can actually help them while making money at the same time. Popular sites can charge for providing quality inbound links.

5. Affiliate marketing. Share your affiliate merchant's revenues by driving traffic to his/her site. By doing this, you will be paid commission based on the sale that were placed because of your effort. This is one of the most lucrative means in making money in the Internet these days.

Want to learn more about it? Download the free ebook, Steps to Article Marketing Success.

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Want to learn more about driving traffic like I do? Download my free traffic guide here: Traffic Generation

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Be Sociable - Increasing Online Traffic Through Social Media Marketing

So what do we mean by social media? As the Internet has evolved increasing numbers of people have taken to sharing ideas, opinions and experiences through a combination of text, blogs, audio, video and message boards etc. More recently RSS and podcasts have also captured the imagination of many in their lust to get their message out to a wide audience. Social media has lead to a revolution in the way many people now interact and learn about world events. The repercussions are that the views of media giants are no longer taken for granted. Now almost anyone can put forward their perspective on any issue they wish. Some organisations have been quick to catch on and realise how their products or services can be promoted by this phenomenon, a kind of social marketing mix unlike anything which as gone before.

One of the simplest ways to begin social media marketing is by creating your own MySpace page. MySpace offers anyone the option to build a free web page where you can share your ideas or express your views in a particular topic. By inviting friends who share similar interests it's possible to quickly build a cult like community while covertly linking them to your own website.

The social web revolves around sharing opinions… they good or bad. With this in mind, websites that are packed full of content can lever recommendations from readers in the form of bookmarking. Bookmarking has become popular with some web users who'll share their lists with others who have a common interest. Assuming your website has some decent content, bookmarking sites such as Digg, Technorati, and Reddit provide downloadable code and links etc that'll soon get you stated. A wise alternative is to link up to, which will then save you alienating those with a bookmarking preference by giving access to numerous bookmarking sites in one go.

A great method of keeping users up to date with your content is to set up a RSS feed. Otherwise known as Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Syndication, RSS provides a notification to users that new content has been added to your site thereby keeping your visitors up to speed with new developments or product launches and so on.

Enabling people to communicate directly through your website is at the core of social media and forums can be a great way of providing just that. The best forums are well managed but not overly censored. Both good and bad comments should be encouraged. While it's easy to assume that bad comments are best filtered out, leaving them in gives the forum greater credibility. A well managed forum provides an excellent, not to mention free, means of gathering customer feedback and carrying out market research etc. To give a forum momentum you may need to regularly stimulate discussion by starting new topics and by spending some regular time weeding out the spam and nonsense.

Showing your expertise through video is a clever way of grabbing an audience. Sometimes the only real way to demonstrate something is in a visual form. If you are dealing with something computerised it could be worth considering using screen capture software where you can easily take people through a lifelike demo. Video can be downloaded from your own website or posted on sites like YouTube for instance. Its always good to stamp your video with you website address so people know where it originated from. If your video impresses people they may want to seek you out. In much the same way still photographs, graphics and audio can be posted to websites; again not forgetting some kind of link back to your own website.

Lastly but by no means least you can get social media savvy by creating a blog. In essence blogs are little more than short articles often centred on current affairs, similar to writing a column for a newspaper. If you set up a blog it requires regular updating. Much like running a forum people expect blogs to evolve preferably on a daily basis. The biggest no no is to be lame on updates as any audience you've gained will soon be lost.

This article is free to republish provided the resource information remains intact.

Paul Coupe is lead designer / developer with Zoom Online.

Zoom Online - Providing total online solutions.

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Search Engine History

The whole internet owes its origins to work done for the US military in the 1960s ( known as Advanced Research Projects Agency Network or, as it was shortened to, the ARPANET) which allowed messages to be sent between individual computers and a giant mainframe in an efficient manner. If you want to know more then go to Wikipedia which has the whole compex and technical story.

The networks based around the ARPANET were government funded and therefore restricted to non-commercial uses such as research; commercial use was strictly frowned upon. For this reason it was mainly used by the military and educational establishments. During the 1980s, the connections expanded to more educational institutions, and even to a growing number of companies for research.

The term "Internet" was first adopted in a report published in 1974. The first ARPANET connection outside the US was established to Norway in 1973, just ahead of the connection to the UK. It would be the late 1980s before Asia became connected.

During the late 1980s, the first Internet service provider (ISP) companies were formed. Again, Wikipedia covers this comprehensively, so if you want the full lowdown head there now!

The first search engine created seems to have been Archie, created in 1990 by Alan Emtage, a student at McGill University in Montreal. The original intention of the name was "archives," but it was then shortened to Archie.

Archie didn’t have the capacities of today’s search engines, but it did allow you to do wander around the internet (if you knew the name of a file you might be looking for!) In 1992 it contained about 2.6 million files with 150 gigabytes of information. However, Archie didn’t index the content of text files. That capability came in 1991 with the development of another search, known as Gopher.


According to the company itself, 'Google is a play on the word googol, which was coined by Milton Sirotta, nephew of American mathematician Edward Kasner, and was popularized in the book, Mathematics and the Imagination by Kasner and James Newman. It refers to the number represented by the numeral 1 followed by 100 zeros. Google's use of the term reflects the company's mission to organize the immense, seemingly infinite amount of information available on the web.'

Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, whilst students at Stanford University began collaboration on a search engine called BackRub in 1996 - named for its ability to analyze the "back links" pointing to a given website. Page was a great one for tinkering with mechanical things and it is said that he once managed to make a working printer out of Lego™ bricks!

By dint of persuasion and begging/borrowing they managed to assemble enough 'modern' computers to add to their network. Very soon, their unique approach earned BackRub cult status around the campus.

Page and Brin continued working to perfect their technology, and buying a terabyte of disks at bargain prices in 1998 built their own computer housings in Page's room, which was to become Google's first data center. And toward the end of the year they "put their studies aside" as the Google website has it, to raise 1 million dollars.

And from those humble beginnings grew the behemoth that is Google!


Yahoo! started life as a directory of websites, created in 1994 by David Filo and Jerry Yang. Search was not considered so crucial until around 2002 when they seemed to have cottoned on to the way the internet was growing, and started aquiring search companies and related technology.

In the scramble to gain the upper hand, Overture purchased AllTheWeb and AltaVista in 2003. Yahoo! bought Inktomi in 2002 and then Overture in 2003, using the combined expertese to develop their own in-house search engine which appeared in 2004.


Microsoft seem to have only really got serious about search engine technology when they realised just how fast Google were growing. For several years from 1998 they relied on outsourcing partners such as Overture, Looksmart and Inktomi.

It was only in 2005 that they began their first in-house search engine, and in 2006 launched their MSN Live Search model.


Yes, there are lots more search engines out there. Free web submit sites will offer to submit your site to thousands! But when nearly 90% of searches worldwide are conducted over the top three, are the tiddlers really that important?

You also need to bear in mind that there is a lot of interaction and relationships between search engines - giving and taking results.

Meta Search Engines Most meta search engines such as Hotbox and Dogpile draw their search results from multiple other search engines, then combine and rerank those results. This was a useful feature back when search engines were less clever at indexing the web. As search has improved the need for meta search engines has been reduced.

Add that to the fact that Google and Yahoo feed results or deliver pay to click ads into several smaller search engines and you begin to see that getting top listings on the tiddlers might seem good, but in fact is not going to do your business or website much good. YOU NEED TO BE THERE on Google, MSN and Yahoo!

John Birch of has spent some years learning how to get websites onto the top organic listings of the major search engines

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Debunking the Rules

Rules are made to be broken. Just like in any printing job- brochure, catalog or poster printing- rules are there for us to break and bend and go around it. If not for the rules, we wouldn’t know that we were actually creative and not so regular after all.

In poster printing, there are a lot of rules for designers and printers. Some of the rules may seem to be made of stone, but most often than not, there are ways to debunk them.

Rule: Consistency + Layout = Excellence.

Something recognizable is what we, poster printers, strive for. When we see a giant yellow double arch, we know that it’s McDonald’s. When it’s a swoosh in sneakers, we know they are Nike’s. It is the same with poster designs. When we produce the same layout every time we get our posters printed we get to be consistent and thus, we’re recognized by our peers and target clients. In the process, we are creating a brand of ourselves.

But if every poster layout you make looks the same and follows every rule in the book, your clients will definitely be bored with it. Worst case scenario: they would not even deign to look at the entire picture. And the next poster that you’re going to come up with would definitely get to go in the trash bin.

Debunk it: Try to get a different look every time. Surprise your clients. Indulge in your creativity. Use different colors and backgrounds. Did it not prick your curiosity when Spiderman got a new outfit in his new movie? No reds, but a definite black. Go for the same thing with your poster printing designs and format. Get out of your box and explore. You might just be overwhelmed with the response you get from the new look you have.

Rule: Standard makes more profit.

I know rules are thriving for a long time because they have been tried and tested, and many of those who tried them gained something from it. Standard formats do get you more profit. I believe that. When you use a standard format with say, the paper size, you get to have the economies of scale because there’s less wastage. Less wastage equals fewer costs. Fewer costs means more profit. But more often, to get attention you have to get out of the box.

Debunk it: Try a unique layout. From a standard format and size, go for something really awkward and big. Try putting your poster design and poster graphics in different angles. Everything is for a worthy cause: to make you eye-catching and mind-boggling. This in turn, will bring you recognition, which means more sales and more profit. And don’t worry too much about the price. You may just find it worth your while.

For comments and inquiries about the article visit: Poster Printing

Lynne Saarte is a writer that hails from Texas. She has been in the Internet business for some years now, specializing in Internet marketing and other online business strategies.

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How You Can Make More Money With Web Content And Copy

Websites all contain some form of Web copy and/or Web content. That Web copy and content can help you to earn money on its own, or can help you earn more money than you're currently making online. There are differences between Web copy and Web content, and you need to know what those differences are.

Web content is a way to keep your readers entertained and/or informed. Web content usually takes the form of articles. Some sites also include audio files in their content, as well as videos and photos. Web content often is what an online business uses to attract visitors to the site, even if indirectly.

Web copy - Web copy generally refers to text on a website that is either trying to get a response out of the reader or visitor, or that works to forward the company's message in some way. Web copy can be used to get the reader to buy items, to accept a newsletter, or to click on specific links. Copy also includes things such as a company / site slogan, and internal / company pages on a website (about us, contact, media kit contents, etc.), which goes towards portraying an image that you want to convey to visitors.

How does Web copy and content help you to make money? Here's how you do it:

Web content- lots of sites use their content alone to make money. There are plenty of large and small sites that use their content to bring in money- larger ones are content networks, such as The Web content is there to bring readers in, but the webmaster has to put advertisements on the site or to charge a fee for membership to the site in order to make money. To use Web content to make more money, there are a few things you need to do:

1. Use the highest quality Web content available. High quality content will bring in more readers, is sometimes well suited for SEO purposes, and will earn you high-quality back links, which in turn brings better traffic, better search engine rankings, and more earnings.

2. Keep publishing the content. New Web content will bring in more readers, as they return again and again to see the new items. More web traffic means more money. While ideally you should publish Web content both regularly and frequently, even if you can only publish once per week or once per month, schedule updates as regularly as possible.

3. Your content should be something that will attract new readers. Research topics and keywords by using Wordtracker or Overture and find out what is currently popular. Instead of concentrating on keyword stuffing, get content that appeals to your readers. A lot of searches for one specific topic can mean that there is an existing need for more information on that topic. The number of results given for any keyword is just as important as the number of times it's searched- many of those niches are already overfilled.

Web copy - Web copyrighting is usually reserved for making sales or bringing people back to the site. E-book sellers use Web copy to sell their items, often using different colored fonts, lots of subheadings and testimonials to persuade the readers.

The Web copy used to sell an item doesn't have to be that flashy. All order pages have copy that is meant to persuade and to get an immediate purchase of the items, and perhaps even more items as well. Some Web copy relies on guarantees to persuade readers to buy the item right then without worrying the outcome.

There are strong psychological underpinnings in good Web copy, getting people to act a certain way and with a certain outcome. Hiring a professional copywriter (or even studying copywriting yourself before developing your website or online business) can easily lead to higher conversions from website visitors to buyers, earning you more money online in the process.

Ryan Richardo is a writer for Internet Business Answers offers free answers to questions you have about making money online with your own internet business

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What To Look For In Web Hosting

It was not that long ago that when someone mentioned the word “web” it could be assumed that they were referring to the fragile creations of spiders. But today, the word web refers to something utterly different – an expanse so great we can barely understand it. The web refers to the World Wide Web – or the Internet – a creation that does not take up any physical space but still holds an enormous amount of information; all of which can is funneled to and from the network of computers worldwide that access the Internet. For most of today’s business, there is no true success without an online presence; keeping pace with this fact, companies small and large continue to craft their online persona through the creation of a website. As part of this explosion in websites has come the ever-expanding need for web hosting – a service that is offered through a network of providers.

Web hosting is offered through a company – or individual - that has direct access to the Internet through a server – a computer that gives and receives information to other computers. Like a landlord, the company that offers web hosting rents out space on their server to your company’s website. If you rent this space through your web host but have your own domain name – or website address – then this company is considered to be a virtual web host. A non-virtual web host still gives you space on their server but through their domain name or website address.

Not all web hosting is the same, however, and there are certain things that you should look for in order to get your money’s worth of service. First and foremost, an effective web host should be connected to the Internet almost all of the time. Granted – there may be times when your web host must be offline for service - or is booted offline due to a technical issue - but in general web hosts should be up and running at all times; you are paying for this consistency so that visitors to your website can access it without fail. A web host stores all of your data on its server and should handle all technical difficulties that may arise with responsiveness and professionalism.

Web hosting comes at a variety of prices – from a couple of hundred dollars to thousands of dollars per year. For websites that receive quite a bit of traffic, it is worth the money for a reputable and comprehensive host that can handle the myriad of services you require. For those with smaller businesses or those who have created their own personal web page, a smaller, less expensive web host will undoubtedly deliver all that is needed and a price that is affordable.

For easy to understand, in depth information about web hosting visit our ezGuide 2 Web Hosting.

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Finding The Best Web Hosting Services

Deciding on a web hosting company can be pretty confusing. If you type 'web hosting' in a search engine, you are presented with literally millions of web sites. Some are actual web hosting sites but most are probably 'review' sites. There are so many of these review - directory sites because many web hosting companies pay a commission to the site owner if they get a sale from someone that came from that site. But that does not mean that you should disregard review sites as they can still be quite helpful.

Most review sites which claim to list the best web hosting services do not list companies with bad reputations anyways. Bad webhosting companies quickly get a reputation on the net among webmasters; and nothing makes someone think more badly of a web hosting review site more than seeing a known 'bad' company with a high rating. Review site owners have to have some credibility to continue making commissions!

Also, web hosting companies that can afford to pay relatively high commissions to review sites usually must be doing well to afford to pay these commissions. Shoe-string type web hosting companies; or ones that are losing a lot of customers, typically cannot pay very high commissions.

But its actually pretty easy to see if a web hosting company really IS one of the best web hosting providers

Look at some review sites and note down the companies which are consistently in the top 10 and offer the features you want and are in your price range. Then bring up a search engine and type in the name of the first web hosting provider on your list as well as the word 'forums'. This will bring up any mentions of that web hosting company among internet message boards. Unlike review sites, most information on message boards is just people's honest opinions. Although finding positive posts about the particular web hosting company that you are interested in is the best outcome; it is true as well that 'no news is good news'. If people are not posting messages about that hosting company...then at least you know they don't have a bad rep! Because angry or disappointed people like to vent.

After reading through a bunch of these messages, you'll get a good idea of the reputation the web hosting company has. If you do that for all the companies on your list; you can feel confident that you are in a good position to pick one of the best web hosting services that actually does have a good reputation.

I recommend the Top 5 Web Hosting Companies for good selections. Also good is

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4 Issues About Web Hosting Services

There are highly competitive in the web hosting industry, no matter it is in the global market, regional market, or local market. You can get millions of web pages from Google by searching the keyword "hosting". With much competition, it is very easy to get cheap or low cost web hosting service. But it is fairly easy to get lost while searching for a web hosting provider and evaluating which hosting plan to purchase.

Below are 4 important issues you can consider during evaluation process of the web hosting provider and plan:-

1. The Hosting Company Must Control Their Servers

Most of the web hosting providers are just reselling server space of someone else, especially those small players. If the hosting providers you choose doesn't own his own space or server, it could happen that when you need to move to another hosting company for any reason, you depend on their willingness to help you. Sometimes, it is difficult to move a complex website without having root access.

If you're able to afford Virtual Private Server (VPS, with root access), then go for it, it will make your life easier. But if you can't afford it, at least go for reputable shared hosting companies like BlueHost, Lunarpages or etc.

2. Don't Let Your Hosting Company Own Your Domain

Domain is your brand on Internet. Without domain, visitors can't access your website. If you lose your domain, all the traffic came from those hard earned links are lost in an instant. Then your website will be worthless. So make sure you have the control over your domain. If the hosting provider gives you a domain name for free (many hosting providers do that now), make sure that the email and details of the administrative contact is you and you have a control panel where you can see the ownership of your domain.

3. Avoid Free Hosting Of Any King

Free hosting is good for you if you don't care one day will be gone. But if you're serious or starting a business, even a little one, it is very important to have your own domain and hosting service because you've the control over them. You won't lose your traffic because you're not depend on your free hosting provider. Be your own owner!

4. Seek a Host With Good Customer Support

It may take years to fully understand all the issues of the hosting platforms. If you're newbie, you could be in big trouble all the time if your host doesn't give you the correct manuals, advice, or help you to complete technical tasks. Remember that if you pay a web hosting provider to host your website, they should help you solve your technical needs and not wasting your valuable time. You can check out user testimonials or comments from Google or Yahoo, but not from hosting provider's website.

To get 50% discount on the web hosting plan, check out web hosting deal on Best9Hosting

About the author: Chung Bey Luen who owns a blog, Best9Hosting empowers your website with solutions. It provides great discount on various web hosting plan, web hosting affiliate program to make you extra money, website solutions to solve your website problems.

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Cheap Dedicated Server Hosting - The Long Term Relationship

Everybody knows that one of the keys to a mutually beneficial business agreement is a long term relationship. The more time and effort both parties put into building each other's trust and making the business relationship work, the better and more profitable the business is.

This is a widely known principle, and yet many companies that offer cheap dedicated servers don't seem to take their role seriously. Trust me, my friend, I've been left alone too many times when I was just trying out cheap dedicated servers, and there are certainly many companies I'll not even think about hiring again.

The thing is this: when you rent a cheap dedicated server, you are not just renting a computer; you are in fact renting technical service, maintenance and monitoring. The fact that you have chosen a cheap dedicated server should not imply that the provider won't supply at least a minimum amount of support just to get you started, or that you'll have to wait forever for an answer to a question you ask them. If they don't seem to take you seriously, then you must ask yourself what you should expect from a long term relationship with them.

Here is a good tip: When you rent a cheap dedicated server hosting service, think of it as a marriage. Would you like to spend the rest of your internet business life with them? You better choose wisely.

Let me tell you something that happened with the first dedicated server I rented. Back in those days, there weren't many places where to look for information about dedicated servers, and the few sites dealing with the subject were just mere commercial pages designed to make you purchase what they were offering. So, with no objective, real information to help me, I had to choose based on what they said rather than on others' opinion.

At first it seemed like a great deal, but when the first problem came up I realized that it wasn't such a good deal at all. I noticed that one of my hosted sites was not working, so I sent an email to my provider asking what had happened, and how to solve the problem.

They answered... four days later. As a result, I lost the customer whose web site had the problem, and based on how offended he was I can say he'll never trust me again. All because they took forever to answer a simple and to the point email about a problem that, by the way, turned out to be caused by them in the first place.

Nowadays when I think about that, I'm glad I switched providers and moved to another cheap dedicated server. If I had stayed with them, chances are that I would lose more customers and lose everybody's trust.

So, my friend, if you are going to rent a cheap dedicated server from a hosting company, I strongly recommend you take the time to find out what are their customers saying about their service. This critical matter can be the foundation of a long term relationship that benefits you both, and the lack of support can definitely make your company and reputability fade away.

See you later, and good luck hunting around!

To get more information on the dedicated server hosting industry, please visit us at

Henry C. Walsh
Dedicated Server Advisor Contributor

Henry Walsh is a reputed expert in the web hosting industry. He is a regular contributor of several specialized web pages and ezines related to the subject.

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The Hidden Costs of a Cheap Dedicated Server

Finding the right web hosting for a determined purpose is not an easy task. The variety is so immense, that the offer of a cheap dedicated server might be tempting. The advantages of having a server exclusively reserved for you are widely known, in terms of customization, bandwidth, memory, storage, whatever traffic the hosted site may have, but at the beginning this option was nothing but very expensive and restricted to wealthy clients.

After a little while, some companies thought that it would be a great deal, to give users with a tight budget the opportunity of renting a cheap dedicated server. But... is a cheap dedicated server really cheap? Unfortunately, in most cases, it's not.

It is important to notice that frequently what is supposed to be hosting cost is not actually hosting cost. Many corporations offer very low cost servers, but hide tricks which can lead the user to fall into a trap. People argued that they found out some services where not included, when they were billed by the end of the month, with astronomic prices for basic usage of control panels, an essential feature of dedicated servers. What happens afterwards is that the client must wait until the contract is over with the subsequent waste of time and, of course, money.

How to spot hosting hidden server costs

The most important thing to do is to read the terms of use and service thoroughly, to find out specifically what kind of software is included, which hardware is implemented and whether the possible license fees for managing the control panels are included in the final price, as they are crucial to customize the features of your dedicated server.

In general, dedicated servers' providers may offer different types of managed server support and several levels of administration services: Fully Managed, where customers are completely hands-off; Managed, where customers may perform specific tasks; Self Managed, where customers provide most operations and tasks on dedicated server; and Unmanaged, where there is little to no involvement from service provider and customers provide all maintenance, upgrades, patches, security and everything else that is needed.

Whatever type of support a provider selects to offer to its customers, it is essential that every specific aspect is mentioned in the contact to avoid surprises by the end of the month. Other important issue to consider is what kind of hardware is offered. It's very usual that the devices offered by cheap dedicated servers' providers are not enough to keep the dedicated server running in a high load scenario. Therefore, you may eventually need to upgrade the hardware, and that will leave behind the idea of a cheap dedicated server.

As a general rule, the finest web hosting providers ensure redundant systems that will decrease the number of potential data or connectivity errors, which allows them to be able to guarantee higher uptimes. However, some web hosting companies offer additional redundancy for a fee, and if you choose to go with one of these offers your cost will definitely be increased.

Keep in mind that these are only some of the aspects to consider when choosing the right cheap dedicated server; sometimes cheap ends up being costly, and if you take the time to double check what your web hosting company has to offer at first, you will definitely save yourself a lot of headaches later.

To get more information on the dedicated server hosting industry, please visit us at

Henry C. Walsh
Dedicated Server Advisor Contributor

Henry Walsh is a reputed expert in the web hosting industry. He is a regular contributor of several specialized web pages and ezines related to the subject.

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5 Top Best Ways to Bury Your Web Site to the Bottomless Pit of the World Wide Web

Be advised before hand, I am not writing to reveal to you another one of that web site secret that someone somewhere has just decided to reveal. A secret (using their own words) "that has generated thousands of profits every month" you know what I am talking about! If you don't then I will remind you:

I know you have read something along this line "today I’m revealing to you the best hidden secret that the top internet gurus have used to get stinking rich and now that secrets is yours, I’m going to reveal it to you so that you too can make money like them..."

No, that is not what I will be writing about.

Far too much literature and articles have been written on that line, self proclaiming to reveal the best secrets of how to build a web site. Over promising to deliver by employing very convincing language, yet 99% of them under deliver. A look at most of those secrets and the technique they use leave a lot to desire about!

There are thousands of individuals, companies and software's that claim that they can help us propel our web sites to the top of the search engines. They are very forceful in selling those very attractive and convincing program that promise to build you a site within 24 four hours that will immediately start to earn and generate for you thousands of cash money each and every month.

I will remind you again, I am not going to write, tell, reveal to you or convince you on how to create a cash killing site. No, I won't do that, but this is what I'm about to do:

I’m going to give you five sure steps that you can take in order to bury your web site to the bottomless pit of the whole World Wide Web.

I guarantee you if you follow these five steps before you start to create or build your first web page, then here is what is going to happen:

* Your site will most likely never be indexed.
* If your pages get indexed then be sure they will rank at the bottom of the search engines list.
* You will succeed in burying your web site, never to be found on the net.

If you want your web site to be ignored by the search engines, if you want your site to be lost, never to be found by anyone surfing the internet then below are the top five best steps that you can start to implement.

Here are the five steps:

1. Buy one of those secret revealing website building software.
2. Don't set your web site goal, what's the need of planning anyway, just start building and go, things will fall in place right?
3. Never choose your website niche, don't even care about identifying a profitable niche.
4. Never understand the type of web business you are involved, what matters is that you have a web site, they are all just web pages.
5. Forget about the search engines; forget about your targeted customer, who cares about content anyway!

I'm telling you, my dear reader; make sure you follow these five steps carefully, making sure that each and every detail on this steps is implemented and I promise you that will be the best and sure way to bury your web site to the bottomless pit of the whole world wide web, never to be found by the search engines, never to heard of by your targeted customers.

All the best as you implement this strategies

For a free Web business Tutorial that will teach and show you on what you need to do before you even start creating your web site that works visit to start the free tutorial now.

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Profitable Web Site Creation - 6 Steps to Make More Profit With Web Site Creation

Have you given -creating a web site to earn more money- a thought? Few people have because most of us simply choose not to consider it, thinking that its too tough and highly technical. Well, most of us are wrong! Web site creation can be a very lucrative job even if you don't have much skill in web creation and designing. The key is your openness to new technology, willingness to learn, and a lot of effort. You can learn how to make a web site by simply looking for tutorials over the net and you'll learn all the aspects of web site creation in no time.

Here are some basic tips to get you started:

1. Focus on the design. People will notice your web site primarily because of its design not its content nor the people behind it. Use great color combination and nice contrast to highlight the important keys in your page. Use few images as it slows down the downloading time which can greatly annoy your visitors.

2. Use templates. The Internet has thousands of free templates that you can use to make a web site in minutes.

3. Post great content. After you attract the visitors with your web design, give them a reason to stay longer or come back through your content. Your articles should be highly relevant to your page and contains keywords to have a better ranking on search engines.

4. Stand out from the rest. Knock down your competitors by making your web site comprehensive, user-friendly, and useful.

5. Make your site look professional. Texts, colors, and fonts should be in sync with the theme of your page.

6. Do not use flash. Search engines are not equipped to read the flash images texts.

Want to learn more about it? Download the free ebook, Steps to Article Marketing Success.

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Want to learn more about driving traffic like I do? Download my free traffic guide here: Traffic Generation

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Productive Web Site Design - 8 Steps to Make More Money With Web Site Design

The design of your web site should be attention grabbing, interesting, and enticing. This is the first element that prospective visitors will see when they click on your URL. You don't want them to immediately leave your site because it appears boring. Make your visitors want to stay through effective web site designing. Here's how:

1. Make it compatible with all brands of computers. There are numerous brands of computers these days, make sure that your web designs are viewable to all of them. You don't want to limit your visitors to specific brands as it will limit your web site traffic.

2. Limit your graphics and images. Sure they attract visitors but too much of them will slow down your downloading time.

3. Make your web site interactive. Put forums, article submission page, comments page, etc. 4. Check all your links. Monitor your web site on a daily basis. Make sure that all your links are working and that they drive the customer to where they want to go.

5. Provide room for advertising. Your web site must have enough space that you can sell to other sites or advertising companies so you can generate revenue.

6. Utilize the best web designing technologies. Design your page using joomla, html, XML, etc.

7. Make it easy to download. Your site should be downloaded within few seconds or you'll lose your visitors.

8. Use up-to-date web site design software. They will give you the latest features to attract more visitors and survive the online competition.

Want to learn more about it? Download the free ebook, Steps to Article Marketing Success.

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Want to learn more about driving traffic like I do? Download my free traffic guide here: Traffic Generation

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3 Ways Upload Your Website

I have come across 3 major method you can upload your ready website to the server or hosting.

The primary method that most of the beginner will use is the control panel provided by the hosting company. After you login to the hosting account, it normally provides 2 tools for you. You can either use the browser and add features or unlimited FTP account that can easily copy and paste in the folder. I have found that browse and add is a easy method for every beginner but it have a limit file to be upload. My host give me only 30 files to upload one time. So, unlimited FTP upload will be the best choice for you.

But, sometimes we don’t like to login from the hosting web site. So, you can choose the second choice. You can find a free FTP software that can found at or Download the software name CuteFTP or SmartFTP software. These 2 is the very useful software I recommended. This software have to download into your own pc or laptop.

Lets say you have forgot to bring your laptop, or you are somewhere in the cyber cafe. Then, you still can upload your website or do any web editing with WYSIWYG features by login to your web hosting. Or you can pre edit at your computer and save it in your pendrive and just bring a long your pendrive to any PC and upload it to your web host.

But, you can go to a virtual FTP system. So far I found one, call It was a very useful ftp software that have install in their website. You can login to your web host directly from there. It was very reliable so far. But I still prefer to do it with my own FTP software because it was much much easier by editing your web and upload it with a software.

If you found any better than this you can leave a command here.

Speed Yeoh is a Internet entrepreneur on helping home business owners on web and doing business online. Find more solution at

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What Is A Content Site?

Glad you asked. A content site is a site that contains content. This literal definition of a content site, however, doesn’t convey the sheer effectiveness of utilizing a content site for affiliate programs. There are several distinct advantages of using a full content site as opposed to a single-page sales format.

Using a sales page or a mini site is one way to sell a product, but even then the sales page is usually accessed from a content site. These larger sites, which can be 20, 30, 40 pages or more, have the advantage of many pages of keyword optimized content that just can’t be reached by a single page. With pages and pages of keyword articles, the content site has the potential for a much higher rank in the search engine line.

In addition to the SEO action, a content site is much more likely to be referenced again and again. People interested in the content will bookmark it and come back to read more about it. Multiple views can only increase the chance of sales, as well as word of mouth about the content that is provided. There probably aren’t that many people that bookmark a sales page, but when a content site has lots of practical information that a reader can use, it has a better chance of being read. Using a content site is like having a catalog, and the sales page is the order form.

Having pages of content also allows you to go more into depth about the items you are selling. A sales page is an obvious sales pitch. Readers come in, mill around, and they’re told why the product is a good thing to buy. A content site is seen more as information about the items- and look! They just happen to sell them here.

And, unlike a smaller site, a content site has room for plenty of products. If one of the products is failing, it can always be squashed and replaced with something that can perform better. Content sites usually are concerned with a specific topic, and within that topic there is room for any number of different products to be promoted. This creates a better chance of revenue instead of relying on only one item for the entire bulk of sales. In addition to changing around the products if they become ineffective, there is also room to change the keywords for the same reason.

A content site is also easier to promote than separate pages that each have to be promoted. An informational site can be branded to create a name for the site and its products. Creating a brand is something that can’t be done with just one product that is probably being sold elsewhere on countless other pages. A brand is the collection of pages, which will be unique to your site. A brand is a powerful thing in cyberspace, and can be wielded for good or evil. Or, just to make the highest number of conversions possible.

Gray Rollins is a writer for - a site where you can learn how to run a profitable online business thanks to the free video lessons offered on the website. Also take a moment to checkout this linkbait guide and if eBay is your thing, get this free eBay training course.

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Website Creation Tips - How To Set Up A Website

If you are new to the internet or you just want to have your own presence on the web you may be wondering how you can set up your first domain name and website hosting account and what tools you will need for creating HTML pages and transferring files.

The process of creating your own website may seem daunting at first but its actually very easy and its essential that you master this skill if you are serious about earning a living on the internet. Without your own website you will find it much harder to generate consistent profits and long term success.

The first thing you will need is a domain name which is very important because you need to choose a name that accurately represents what you intend to use it for. Its best to use a dot com domain because this is what people are familiar with but as they are the most popular it can be hard to find names that are available so you may want to use a dot net or dot info domain (adding hyphens between words can find available names).

When you have decided which niche you want to target its important that you find out what search terms are used by your target market because if you include a few keywords in your domain name it can help you improve your rankings in the search engines. You can buy a domain name from a company such as Go Daddy.

The next thing you will need is a website hosting account which is also very important because you need to choose a service that provides sufficient disk space and data transfer as well as supporting all of the latest versions of PHP, Perl, JavaScript, and CGI. Its best to use a service that provides multiple domain names so that you can set up new websites in the future.

With website hosting accounts now available for as little as $3 per month for 5 gigabytes disk space and 50 gigabytes data transfer there really is no need to use a free service anymore. Most companies will also allow you to upgrade your account if you ever need more disk space or data transfer. You can buy website hosting from a company such as Host Excellence.

The next thing you will need is an HTML editor which is essential because it allows you to create and edit HTML pages which are used for your website. It uses a simple "what you see is what you get" (WYSIWYG) interface which allows you to quickly and easily create pages exactly how you want them without needing to use any HTML code.

There are many free tools that you can use but if you are serious about your business you really need to buy an HTML editor called Dream Weaver which is the most advanced software application available for creating websites. It has all of the essential features and many which are not available with free HTML editors.

The final thing you will need is an FTP client which is essential because it allows you to connect to a server and transfer files into your website hosting account. It allows you to either transfer files in ASCII or binary and also set permissions using the CHMOD feature. Without an FTP client you will have no way of transferring your HTML pages into your website hosting account.

There are many free tools that you can use but if you are serious about your business you really need to buy an FTP client called Cute FTP which is the most advanced software application available for transferring files. It has all of the essential features and many which are not available with free FTP clients.

There are of course other features of your website hosting which you will need to learn how to use such as how to set up an email account for your domain and how to create a MySQL database for a blog or forum. It may seem complicated but its actually very simple and you can always get support from your host if you need any help.

This article was written by Simon Akers who is the editor of the Marketing Oasis newsletter, a free internet marketing ezine packed with tips to help you succeed and increase your profits:

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Million Dollar Websites for Under $500! You Can Afford a Professional Website, Here's How!

When I first started out in business years ago, I was taken advantage of more times than I can count by internet "business people" who did not fulfill their promises. Being the kind of person who likes to believe that people are basically good and honest, you can imagine all of the challenges I faced in trying to determine who was legitimate. I used to dream about having a professional looking website. I researched thousands of websites over the years to determine the perfect look and one that offered all of the bells and whistles. After talking with dozens of web-design companies and web "gurus" I was disappointed time and time again by the prohibitive costs involved for even the most modest sites. It seemed that the best looking websites, the ones with all of the bells and whistles were not affordable to me as a start-up company. In searching I found that sophisticated looking sites were upwards of $2,000 plus hosting.

There are some excellent template programs available online, or through hosting services and at your local software companies. However, early in my career I was not internet or website savvy enough to create my own great looking site from a template, and I needed hand-holding if I was going to learn to eventually manage my own site. My goal was to develop a striking site, one that looked extremely professional, enticing, colorful, offered a good number of tabs, maybe even shopping on line, and every service possible to make my site interesting enough to keep people amused.

Knowing nothing about Affiliate programs back then, how to link to other sites to get clicks, or what was really involved in jazzing up a plain Jane site, I began what seemed like an endless search to find a competent and reputable web designer; one who was patient and available to answer my inexperienced questions; someone who would actually respond in a timely manner. I needed and wanted someone who was ethical; someone who could help me make my dreams for a professional website a reality. Following my belief that we are often guided to the perfect people and just the right time, and nearly having given up on my quest for an affordable and sophisticated site, very late (or early in the morning) I came upon a very talented web-designer named Daniel. Was this to be another disappointing investigation and a bait and switch type of deal? To my delight it was just the opposite!

Late one evening I was surfing on the net, checking out businesses for sale when I came upon an interesting and very inexpensive website for sale on an auction site. It had the look that attracted me, and was intriguing enough for me to click for more info. In so doing, I began an online conversation with the person that turned out to be my personal web designer. He was straight-forward, answered my questions, told me how to check out his work; which I did before continuing to communicate with him. That is how it all started for me. Some of my business associates have other happy endings, but mine started out by shopping on an auction site.

It was years ago that I started out in business as a novice website owner and entrepreneur. I know now that it would have taken me many more years to have accomplished the success I now experience hadn't it have been for Daniel. Not only did Daniel become my website confidant and personal guide through the terrorizing spaces and places of the internet jungle, but a wonderful compliment to my budding and now thriving businesses. That very first website has led me to develop a greater level of success at lightening speed!! Without his expertise, without his kindness, without his generosity I would still be pointing and clicking, fumbling and falling down...and probably being eaten alive by all of the internet paranoia!

For anyone needing an honest, incredibly competent web-master; one who will set up a website that looks like, feels like and works like all of the Million Dollar don't despair. Please don't be lured into thinking that you have to spend thousands of dollars to get the look and feel of success online. Here are several methods that I used in order to start out: You might try looking for businesses for sale on some of the auction sites, or talking to colleges who specialize in teaching webpage development. You might even talk to people at your local religious affiliation, or put a small add in the newspaper, or on line asking for help with your first website. There are some wonderful do-it-yourself programs available online and at your local computer stores. Some webdesigners even give free hosting, and updates. Check with all of your associations, senior centers, and high schools. Libraries also offer help and hold classes, so do park districts. There should be someone locally who can help you get started for well under the $2,000 price. There are websites designed to help the novice business owners. For under $400 you CAN have a fabulous website and one to help you make your dreams come true! For even less than that you can have a simple website and work up from there.

Whatever you do, don't give in to web designers who may attempt to talk you into adding bells and whistles that you really don't need. There are places on line where you can go to ask web designers to bid for your business. Talk with your local librarian, search on line for reasonable web designers. You may be happily surprised that there are still web designers who are sensitive to the smaller pocketbooks and novice business owners.

Always ask for referrals from people you trust first. If that doesn't produce results look to libraries, clubs, associations, religious organizations, church bulletins, park district courses, high school night classes, colleges, and senior citizens who offer help for the fun of it. Beyond these ideas, go on line and look at how web designers are rated by checking them out their feedback on auction sites, or from business rating companies. You may check out Craig's list on line, the Better Business Bureau, your local Chamber of Commerce or Computer Clubs. When you find someone you think might be your miracle web designer, thoroughly check them out. Go to the "contact us" section on the websites he or she has all ready developed. Speak directly to previous clients and find out how they like their web page(s) and the webdesigner. Find out if they offer support, have time for questions, and offer hosting. Do your homework before sending any money.

Whatever you do....get started and make your dreams a reality!

Janet Angel is a sought-after wellness expert with advanced degrees in nutritional biochemistry and psychology. She believes that everyone needs to educate themselves on the wellness opportunities available around the world. Dr. Angel has counseled many prominent citizens across the United States and has participated in several international research programs surrounding health. She has been a guest on many radio programs, is a public speaker, author and seminar leader. Dr. Angel believes that the body has the innate ability to heal itself in most circumstances, given the right environment, the right elements and the opportunity. For further information on her drive to help others reach their fullest potential, please go to For financial wellness ideas go to

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The Top 3 Ways To Get Professional Headers Templates For Free Or Low Cost

Header templates can boost your website sales, increase opt in rates and make your websites look more professional, they also keep the readers on your websites longer. If you search around you will see that nearly all websites that are online they will contain header templates.

This is because they will make your websites stand out and be instantly recognized, but you need to make sure you get a professional header template and not some amateur looking one that was put other in a few seconds.

There are a few ways to get hold of header templates some are free and some are costly, it all depends on how professional you want your header templates to look. If you do decide you want a header template and decide to do it yourself using cheap methods, your header templates will suffer. If that’s the case then it’s probably best to not have a header template if it looks unprofessional as this will seriously turn customers away and put a dampen on your profits.

The top 3 ways to get professional headers templates for free are;

Barter – offer your services to the graphic designers in exchange for professional header templates. – If you don’t have anything to offer I would highly recommend you pay for them, ask for a discount if you’re desperate. Being a professional graphic designer I have actually done this a few times, I once received a full blown salesletter that converted like crazy all I had to do was create a few graphics, including a header template.

Creating them yourself – this is another good way but only if you know what you’re doing, if you don’t, use a different method. – The best software for creating header templates is Photoshop which comes with a 30 day free trial. There are lots of websites that teach you how to create professional header templates just search on Google and you will find plenty.

Join a template resource which gives you professional header templates for a small fee or free – although this one does cost a little money, its actually well worth the small fee, there are also a couple of free sites that gives you header templates in exchange for subscribing to their lists. When you join one of these sites you are given header templates and video training so you can learn to edit them and keep them professional. offers professional header templates & video training for a small fee.

The above 3 resources are the best ways to receive professional header templates for either free or low cost, if one of the resources don’t work try the next one.

If all else fails then pay a graphic designer or join a site which offers video training so you can learn exactly step by step how to create professional header templates.

Andy Eaton has just released his biggest and most impressive graphics package available online, his package will teach you step by step how to create any type of website graphics online, create header templates, book covers, order buttons, banners and more... visit to get hold of the juicy secrets.

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A Professional Web Design Service With Free Web Hosting

So you decide that you would like to have a website to promote your business, it sounds so simple but then you start to look into the whole idea in a bit more detail and suddenly the costs start to mount up. You need to purchase a domain, this is however quite cheap therefore not a problem. The web design service is quite pricey, you feel, but hey the guy is a professional after all. Then there is web hosting, web what? Then web promotion, there is no point of having a site if nobody ever visits it. Thankfully a number of specialised companies are now starting to offer a fully comprehensive service where they offer all of these requirements in the one package, for one price.

I will never forget the experience of obtaining my first ever website. It was in 1999 and initially I was very excited about the prospect of having a site online even though in truth I knew very little about the internet.

This excitement would soon to despair as I attempted to find a web designer worthy of the name. Have you bought a domain, I was asked on numerous occasions? Well no, I would not know how? These people just presumed that I would know how to do this. I soon asked how to go about purchasing a domain which I now realise is very easy.

Eventually I found a chap who I took on to build the site. Once it was built he asked if I had any web hosting in place, I had not and again I had no idea what it was. He did however help me out on this score.

The site was now live, what a great feeling. After a few months I looked on google and yahoo and could not find the site was nowhere to be seen. I phoned up my webmaster and aked if he knew why this might be. What have you been doing to promote your website, he asked? Nothing, was my reply.

I am sure life is so much easier for people who are looking to gain an exposure for their business on the net in 2007, now that these new comprehensive packages are available.

Stephen Hill runs The How To Stop Stammering Centre, he has a number of websites including:

stuttering information

mortgages for people with a poor credit history

debt specialist in Northfield, West Midlands

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How Width Resolution Can Be A Problem

Ever since website graphics became popular for websites there has been a consistent problem - different visitors with different sized monitor screens and different resolution sizes. Unfortunately, there is not much you can do about it, because there has yet to be a global solution for this problem.

Resolution -

The screen resolution is the amount of pixels vertically and horizontally that your computer screen will show. You might have noticed that you visited a certain website at some point in your life where you have to scroll horizontally to see the whole page. You may have cursed the website creator at the time, but it may just have been your screen resolution.

The lowest screen resolution some people still actually use is 480 X 640. This used to be the most popular screen resolution to use. Those who still use it may not understand the importance of using a higher screen resolution for better surfing the web.

Today there are a variety of screen resolutions to choose from, so it is left up to the user to choose the most appropriate one. If computer manufacturers came to an agreement to create just one or two screen resolutions so users will be less confused and have a better screen resolutions and see the difference when visiting various websites this could possibly solve the problem. But, until then we have to deal with what we have.

The most popular screen resolution that visitors' use will be 1024 X 768, and the lowest one that they can use would be 400 X 600.

Resolution Problems -

If you someone visits your website with a low screen resolution they will have to scroll horizontally to see your whole web pages. And then, if someone visits your website with a higher screen resolution that what you used to create your website they will see a skinny strip on their screen, sometimes only a couple of inches in width that can be very annoying for the user.

Resolution Solutions -

One solution that some website designers use is to create the website for the lowest screen resolution so that those with the smaller screen resolution will see the website pages normally and those with higher screen resolutions will have to make their window smaller to read the website.

Another solution that works well is to create your website using the most popular screen resolution: 1024 X 768. Once you have your website up and running you can check your website stats to see what screen resolution is most popular among your visitors. If you find that they are using the most popular screen resolution, and some (a small portion) are using a different one, you can make a note on your website that it is best seen with the screen resolution of 1024 X 768, and maybe even give your visitors a little note on how to change their screen resolution.

You could also choose to create an elastic website that will look good in any resolution, but this is the most difficult choice. However, it could be the best choice for you.

For more website tips and to see my XSitePro Bonus Pack, please visit my webiste.

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Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Lucrative Rss - 4 Keys to Advance in Rss

Few people know the importance of RSS or Really Simple Syndication a.k.a Rich Site Summary. Perhaps, its definition makes people think that its a very complicated process. The truth it, Rss is an easy to use, effective tool in keeping everybody updated without the need to go to different web sites to see what's new. Online users appreciate being spoon fed these days, they don't appreciate going to a lot of sites but would like to be continuously updated. Here are some essential steps to make Rss work for you:

1. Focus on your content. People will subscribe to your feed if and only your content is worth reading. Nobody wants to receive nor read trash, its a waste of precious time. So it is wise to spend more time on your content and make sure it will deliver what your customers need.

2. Make people aware of your Rss feeds. The best way to promote your Rss feed is by creating a web site where people can subscribe to your Rss. Another way is putting your Rss feed link to highly successful sites to reach more online users.

3. Utilize email marketing. This will work best if you have built a list that includes all your potential readers. Sending your Rss feeds through email can make you reach your target market efficiently and faster.

4. Use Rss as your advertising tool. To earn more profit, you can include your ads to your Rss feed. It is one of the most effective ways of promoting your products without shelling out money while earning big, fat checks.
Want to learn more about it? Download the free ebook, Steps to Article Marketing Success.

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Want to learn more about driving traffic like I do? Download my free traffic guide here: Traffic Generation

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eBay Selling The New Wave For Personal Fortune

eBay is the fastest and quickest way to work for yourself from home and it's the fasting growing business that nearly anyone can do. Anybody that can copy and paste on their computer can have a flourishing eBay business!

eBay is the largest garage sale in the world and everything can be sold there. eBay has targeted traffic with buyers looking for anything to purchase with their credit card in hand. Having your own eBay business can make you a lot of cash, but the biggest thing it can do for you is give you back your freedom!

By advertising on eBay you will have possible customers from all over the world at your listings with credit card in hand to see what you have to offer. Why start up your own small business from scratch when you can connect with one of the most popular Internet corporations on the planet and start your business off with a bang!

You can make the lifestyle you want for you and your love ones, not the one you think you have to put up with. You can spend more time with your family and make more cash at the same time. With eBay you will not be scammed. Ebay is a reliable, trustworthy and fully legal corporation.

You will just purchase to have your custom made store on eBay, not pay out thousands of dollars for an illegitimate business scam. There have been millions of people who have made cash on eBay, including those who just go on to sell anything that they do not want or need, and those who make a wonderful living off of an eBay business they achieved.

Don’t you really want to fire your boss and work for yourself to spend more time with your family? You will never get any better of working for someone else. Imagine yourself at home, comfortable at your desk (kitchen, whatever), wearing your best pajamas with your family in the next room.

Imagine that you call all the shots – quit when you want to and need to, create your own schedule, earn an unlimited amount of dollars instead of filling your boss’ pockets, and never having to drive to work ever again. Brew a pot of fresh coffee, sit back and watch the cash start coming in into your bank account. That is the life you can have with an eBay business.

However, do not stop there. Look and find yourself a mentor or professional to help educate you so you can make even more money. Whoever you choose should have been in this business and still in it for at least five years. With a seasoned veteran you will discover one of the most important things in selling on eBay is getting the title right.

Another thing you must get right is researching the keywords for your product you need to know what people are typing in the search box. Plus finding out when is the best time to list your items for sale and proper pricing and listing design and much more.
Tim B. Miller has been selling on eBay for over 6 years and has learned and worked with the very best out there. For a FREE eBook, to help get you started on How To Make Money Selling on eBay (Valued at $20.00)

Go to: eBay Selling

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