Wednesday, July 4, 2007

How To Use Email Autoresponders to Boost Customer Loyalty

Your e-commerce website relies on its customers to become returning customers in order to develop a successful business. The question you might be wondering, however, is how to make your customers become loyal to you and return. There are plenty of ways you can increase customer loyalty, and the use of email autoresponders is but one.

*Automatically Send E-mails

When you have an email autoresponder, it sends an e-mail immediately to any individual that clicks yes to receiving e-mails and additional information from your company. Since the autoresponder automatically does this it eliminates any problems by human error like forgetting to send an e-mail, typing the address wrong, waiting too long, and other similar errors. The autoresponder sends an e-mail immediately to the address that was given, and it frees up your time to focus on other things, knowing your customers and potential customers are receiving the information they need.

*Saves Time

Since your autoresponder has been sending out e-mails and generating interest you know that when you receive an e-mail from a potential or past customer that they are primed up enough about the product or service and already have a interest without you having to sell them on it. Therefore, you receive customers when they are ready to talk which increases your success rate, and you won’t waste time on customers who are not interested. Not to mention the amount of time you'll save by not having to personally send e-mails over and over and over again.


Of course if you are using an autoresponder you are sending out e-mails to your customers about a variety of products and services in the normal series of 7 e-mails. However, if you really want to boost customer loyalty to your products don’t forget to send out an eighth e-mail that reminds the recipient about your product and that they still have time to buy. This e-mail should only be a reminder and nothing pushy. It should only be sent to those individuals who did not already sign up for your product or service.

*Stay in Touch

Another way to keep your customer loyalty and keep them buying from you is to stay in touch. No, this does not mean you should send them e-mails every week. If you do this you risk annoying a lot of subscribers and ultimately getting unsubscribe requests. Instead, simply keep in touch every month or so with new offers and products. Your target market can’t buy from you if they do not know what you are offering. Also, in these e-mails be sure to offer discounts and bonuses. When you do this you give people yet another incentive to do business with you!
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