Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Creating Web Content Using Audio Recordings of Expert Interviews

Creating Web Content Using Audio Recordings of Expert Interviews

The easiest way to create content for your websites is also one of the best ways to create value for your clients. It's a wonderful technique that when used well can make a big difference to how professionally your work is perceived in the marketplace.

One of the Biggest Mistakes You Can Make Doing Business Online is Trying to Be the Expert on Everything

Many online business owners think that if they don't create their own content, they can't offer it or sell it. This is absolutely untrue. Moreover, if you don't get over this mental block, you will end by exhausting yourself and likely not completing many of your projects.

Instead of getting stuck in this way, try using audio recording to create content quickly and relieve yourself of the pressure of having to do everything yourself.

Find Experts on Your Topic and Interview Them "on the record."

Send an email to 5 people you'd like to interview, inviting them to chat with you for 30-45 minutes by telephone. Do this as often as you like, but at minimum twice a year.

Be sure to provide a few sentences about what you'd like to ask them and tell them what you're doing the interviews for. Let them know you'll be recording your interview so you can share their expertise with your online visitors.

Most experts will find your invitation appealing because they have to do very little preparation, they don't have to travel, and it gives them added ongoing exposure to your network. It's a great way for them to reach lots of new people with little effort.

There are Two Methods to Record Interviews: Use a Professional Service Or "Do-It-Yourself"

Using a Professional Service

There are different levels of service in the "audio recording" industry and lots of bells and whistles to choose from. At this point, to create an audio recording for your website visitors, all you will need is a way to put a link on your website in MP3 or RealAudio format.

You won't need CD or cassette duplication, but you may wish to consider it down the road.

Choose from the recommended services based on your budget and how much of the legwork you're willing to do on your own. Here are a couple of professional audio services - http://www.greatteleseminars.com and http://www.audiostrategies.com.

Doing it Yourself

"Doing it yourself" has its benefits: You can record almost anything at the last minute without having to call a supplier. Over time, there are significant cost savings. And of course, becoming more technically savvy brings you a measure of independence that will add to your confidence as an online business entrepreneur.

There is a learning curve that involves a time commitment, and requires about a US$200 investment to get you started. If you are at least somewhat technically capable, and plan to record more than 15-20 hours of audio in the next year, have a good look at the following resource on doing your own recordings. You will save money by doing it yourself. In fact, perhaps it's worthwhile hiring a virtual assistant to learn this for you.

This article on how to record TeleClasses and create passive revenue is clear, detailed and quite technical: http://www.todayscoach.com/2002/0826/default.html. It contains everything you need, including step-by-step screen shots, to get started recording interviews from your telephone in your very own office.

Consider this: Interviewing people "on the record" not only helps you add content to your current websites, it is also a tried-and-true way of creating a complete information product. Set up three people to interview in the next two weeks, then package the recordings into a quick and dirty information product for sale. If you make sure your interviews provide answers to a specific problem your clients experience, you'll have a winner.

There's no reason why you can't open a brand new revenue stream just that quickly and simply.
Andrea J. Lee coaches entrepreneurs and online business owners. As Thomas J. Leonard's General Manager, she helped build and manage the largest network and trainer of personal and business coaches in the world. Now the CEO of Andrea J. Lee Group of Companies, she writes, speaks and consults on Marketing, Internet and Business systems. For more helpful tips, visit http://www.multiplestreamsofcoachingincome.com/join.html.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andrea_J._Lee

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