Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Audio Websites -- Web Developers: Make Money Now

Are you a website developer looking to establish a long-term relationship with a web content provider that could make money over the long-term for both of you? Have you considered becoming an expert in the providing of website audio content -- in webcasting and podcasting? Knowing how to present web audio and how to manage such a site can be your key to making money over the web.

It is hard to pick up a periodical about the web these days without coming upon an article about the ever increasing use of substantive audio content in websites. Webcasting and podcasting are the rage. These websites can make money through banner ads, click-throughs, and charging for downloads of audio content.

An audio-based website can include, for instance real-time streaming of a radio talk show or an interview. It can also contain archived materials, such as past shows, the equivalent of books-on-tape, and the like.

A web site developer can team up with the audio content provider, using cost and revenue sharing in order to make the enterprise beneficial to both.

The success of such a venture can be heightened by the use of low-cost audio. For instance, the audio could consist largely of streaming or recorded conversation about hot topics in international affairs, national politics, the economy, and trends and issues in our ever-changing culture, philosophy, and religious expression.

The likelihood of success can also be heightened if the format involves the same basic co-hosts, with the occasional invited guest, where the co-hosts are knowledgeable, clear-speaking, with a sense of humor; but who also often find themselves on opposite sides of the issue under discussion. The spark of life attracts the visitor.

And believe me, there are audio content providers with in-demand audio ready to team up with the right web developer. I know, because I am co-host of the US Virgin Islands-based and currently broadcast-based talk radio program known as Island Insight, with my co-host Randall Scott Johns. We are ready to move on to the web with live, streaming conversation, as well as archived shows. There must be others out there as well, ready to provide you with the content you need.

So, get ready for the future, for the future is now. Get the word out that you know how to do it and you are ready to design a high-quality product. Be a part of the future, and have fun doing it.
Ned Jacobs is an attorney in St. Croix, in the Virgin Islands, and can be found at edwardjacobs@yahoo.com, or at 7 Church Street, Christiansted, St. Croix, U. S. Virgin Islands 00820; 340-773-3322; fax 340-773-2566.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ned_Jacobs

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