Monday, July 9, 2007

Who Else Wants To Maximize Their Google Adwords Success?

Who Else Wants To Maximize Their Google Adwords Success?

Discover Three Simple But Incredibly Powerful Strategies That You Can Implement Right Now About The One Thing You Must Do To Ensure An Awesome Adwords ROI!

By Mark Meyers

If you are not familiar with Using Google Adwords, please check out my getting started article here:

Basically, with Google Adwords you can put your ad in front of people as they are searching for information and solutions online.

Many people will tell you that you need to find hundreds and hundreds of targeted key-words for your product or service.

This is true because the more keywords you find, the more visitors you could attract.

However, there is a bit of a learning curve to get a good steady campaign and Return On Investment (ROI) with Google Adwords.

The one thing you really have to remember and focus on with Google Adwords is to...


Always use your keywords as often as you can in your Ad: in the Title, in the body and even in your domain name.

These words will be highlighted for the web surfer that is viewing their search results, so why not make it easy for them to choose your ad?


Don't create an Ad Group and throw all your hundreds of keywords in, unless they all show up within your ad text.

Instead take a little more time and create one Ad Group for each keyword or phrase.

This will allow you to maximize the use of your specific keywords.


Searches done in July 2004: "work from home"

310780 work from home
12538 work from home job
9384 home work
3399 data entry work from home

Even though there are thousands of people looking to "work from home" your business or opportunity may not include "data entry" positions right? And those "home work" searchers may not be business opportunity seekers at all.

So, use the negative keywords de-selection religiously.

If you don't exclude these searchers from your ad impressions your click-through rate (CTR) will suffer, which will affect your ad's placement and costs.

Also, a very low CTR will slow down the number of times your ad is displayed, until eventually it is disabled completely.

Well there you have it: three simple strategies to target your ad's and maximize your Google Adwords ROI!

Want more Adwords Tips? Pop me an email:
Mark @ Internet-Income-Advisor dot com

Have a great day!
Mark Meyers

May the poorest day of your future be no poorer that the richest day of your past!

Copyright 2004 - Mark Meyers

In my newsletter "The Internet Income Advisor" I cut-to-the-chase and give you ideas and opportunities for earning a nice income online. Why not grab a free copy of my new book: Reliable Monthy Income

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