Friday, July 6, 2007

Blogs Explained

It seems like Blogs are everywhere these days. You can't seem to surf the Internet without seeing the word Blog somewhere. The intent of this article is to explain the basics what a Blog is and how you can use them to help promote your business and gain valuable information quicker that surfing the Internet.

The word Blog is short for web log. Basically a Blog is just an area set aside you to write articles that can easily be accessed with a special program called a RSS reader. In case you're wondering RSS stands for real simple syndication.

When you set up a Blog you select a template that will house your information. Once you have the Blog set up you can post whatever information you like. It's really a fast way to get your articles and information up on the web and the templates look great! You don't have to mess with all the technical end of getting something up on a web page (HMTL layout, FTP, ect...). The real cool thing about Blogs is that you can get the software to read them for free. Also, you can set up an account and create your own Blog for free!

One thing I should note is, you can read Blogs with your standard browser and post comments on the content of the Blog. An optional way to read Blogs is by using a RSS reader program. You simply subscribe to whichever Blogs that you want to and they are available immediately in the reader. Personally I like to use the reader because you have all of the Blogs that your interested in one place and you don't have surf all over the Internet to read them.

The free reader that I use can be downloaded here:
To get your very own free Blog, which you can post to go to:
I think you will find that they are very easy to set up and post to.

The are many advantages that Blogs offer over a web site or ezine.

1. You don't have to mess with an HTML layout. You just post your info and the info looks wonderful because the Blog uses the template that you set up.

2. You can post as often as you like. I can't imagine that I would send an email to my ezine every day but with a Blog you can post as much as you would like.

3. Email spam filters do not block Blogs because they are not an email communication.

4. You can make as many Blogs as you like on any subject.

I hope this will help you start your own Blog and officially start you down the road to being a Blogger!

Steve Veloudos owns and operates Zebra Music LLC. It's a one stop shop for jingles, radio production, custom music, library music, and sound design. Visit Steve's web site and get free monthly music that you can use for your productions.

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