Thursday, June 21, 2007

eBook Profits Supersized - Using Your Unique Selling Position To Sell More eBooks!

To create more ebook profits, you’ve got to stand out from the crowd because there are literally millions of websites on the Internet and thousands of home business owners, marketers and entrepreneurs competing everyday for the consumer's attention, money and loyalty. In this environment, the degree of success you’ll enjoy is linked directly to your ability to make your ebooks and other information products stand out from the competition.

Although they are several ways to achieve this, one of the most tested and truly reliable methods for creating more ebook profits involves what is commonly referred to as, finding your unique selling position, or USP. What that simply means is, you must be able to identify what makes you or your ebook different in the marketplace from all the other ebook/information online businesses in your niche, and then come up with a compelling way to promote that benefit so that people would rather do business with you than with your competition.

There is no universal formula or shortcut for arriving at the right unique selling position. It is a process that combines your experience, intuition, and solid research and even then it will change over time as you continue to gather information and get feedback from your subscribers and clients.

Here are 3 ways to get started figuring out your unique selling position for increased ebook profits:

- First, ask why people should do business with anyone in your niche.

Think of it this way. If you were an acupuncturist and you worked with people in pain, but you knew they could choose to see a chiropractor, a doctor, a massage therapist, or a rolfer just to name a few you’d have to give them a compelling reason why they should seek out an acupuncturist first.

- Second: examine your niche to see what's being offered or is missing and write an ebook about it.

On the Internet you want to dominate your niche. That means that you need to offer something unique and let people know about it. In order to know what you do that is unique you have to see what else is out there so you can educate your potential clients as to why you are the best choice for them. Then you can write your ebooks with this in mind for increased profits!

- Next, survey your existing client pool or subscriber lists for feedback. If you already have a list that you are communicating with, then they are already familiar with your services. You could spend months trying to figure out what they will tell you in 5 minutes! Offer a free gift for their participation and I guarantee you’ll have the answers without the guesswork! Then write your ebook based on what they tell you and watch the money roll in!

If you just did these 3 things you would have a much clearer idea of what makes you unique and why people should work with someone in your field in general and you in particular. And knowing this will help you not only create clear and concise marketing materials but give you more confidence in what you are doing and that one-two punch will skyrocket your ebook sales!

Visit for more tips and tools on ebook writing and marketing. You can also subscribe to 9 Free Secret eBook Tips To Making Money Online and The eBook Profit Secrets Newsletter ($147) at: for insightful articles, technical tips, q & a's and more! You are also invited to visit for more information on how to build an ebook/information online business from the ground up with no marketing, no business, or technical background!

Ellen Violette, The eBook Coach, is the creator of the Quick-Start 3-Day eBook Authoring Workshop which teaches people how to author an ebook in 72 hours or less..Guaranteed! She is also the creator of eBook Profit Marketing Secrets and creator of The Virtual eBook Expo( is the co-author of Sell More eBooks, Low And No-Cost Tactics To Explode Your eBook Sales And Downloads with Internet Expert Jim Edwards and she has also written The eBook Journal For Authoring Success and more. Ellen is also a Grammy-nominated songwriter.

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