Friday, June 29, 2007

5 Top Best Ways to Bury Your Web Site to the Bottomless Pit of the World Wide Web

Be advised before hand, I am not writing to reveal to you another one of that web site secret that someone somewhere has just decided to reveal. A secret (using their own words) "that has generated thousands of profits every month" you know what I am talking about! If you don't then I will remind you:

I know you have read something along this line "today I’m revealing to you the best hidden secret that the top internet gurus have used to get stinking rich and now that secrets is yours, I’m going to reveal it to you so that you too can make money like them..."

No, that is not what I will be writing about.

Far too much literature and articles have been written on that line, self proclaiming to reveal the best secrets of how to build a web site. Over promising to deliver by employing very convincing language, yet 99% of them under deliver. A look at most of those secrets and the technique they use leave a lot to desire about!

There are thousands of individuals, companies and software's that claim that they can help us propel our web sites to the top of the search engines. They are very forceful in selling those very attractive and convincing program that promise to build you a site within 24 four hours that will immediately start to earn and generate for you thousands of cash money each and every month.

I will remind you again, I am not going to write, tell, reveal to you or convince you on how to create a cash killing site. No, I won't do that, but this is what I'm about to do:

I’m going to give you five sure steps that you can take in order to bury your web site to the bottomless pit of the whole World Wide Web.

I guarantee you if you follow these five steps before you start to create or build your first web page, then here is what is going to happen:

* Your site will most likely never be indexed.
* If your pages get indexed then be sure they will rank at the bottom of the search engines list.
* You will succeed in burying your web site, never to be found on the net.

If you want your web site to be ignored by the search engines, if you want your site to be lost, never to be found by anyone surfing the internet then below are the top five best steps that you can start to implement.

Here are the five steps:

1. Buy one of those secret revealing website building software.
2. Don't set your web site goal, what's the need of planning anyway, just start building and go, things will fall in place right?
3. Never choose your website niche, don't even care about identifying a profitable niche.
4. Never understand the type of web business you are involved, what matters is that you have a web site, they are all just web pages.
5. Forget about the search engines; forget about your targeted customer, who cares about content anyway!

I'm telling you, my dear reader; make sure you follow these five steps carefully, making sure that each and every detail on this steps is implemented and I promise you that will be the best and sure way to bury your web site to the bottomless pit of the whole world wide web, never to be found by the search engines, never to heard of by your targeted customers.

All the best as you implement this strategies

For a free Web business Tutorial that will teach and show you on what you need to do before you even start creating your web site that works visit to start the free tutorial now.

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