Sunday, January 28, 2007

Five Big Reasons Why Internet Marketing Newbies Fail

It's no secret that thousands of people make money online as internet marketers. Some internet marketers make HUGE amounts of money and live amazing lives, some make just enough money online to replace their full time job, others make a good part time income, and others don't make much more than a little extra spending money. The point is that there is money to be made as an internet marketer, whether it's a lot or a little.
The problem is that for every internet marketer making any amount of money online, there are hundreds upon hundreds that never make a cent. In fact, most spend more than they ever make and end up quitting.
So why is it that so many internet marketing newbie’s fail? Here are five big reasons...
#1 - New internet marketers tend to set unrealistic goals for themselves. Set goals for yourself that are attainable. By setting and achieving reasonable goals, you build confidence in yourself and your abilities. This allows you to confidently set ever increasing goals which you can regularly meet. People who set unrealistic goals often fail in internet marketing because they get discouraged when they do not achieve their goals. After getting discouraged month after month, they often believe they can not succeed and they end up quitting. Don't let this happen to you!
# 2 - New internet marketers usually don't have their own product. While there are many ways to make money and be very successful as an internet marketer, creating your own product is probably the best. Having your own product allows you to harness the power of affiliates who will promote it and allow you to multiply your efforts tremendously.
# 3 - Internet marketing newbie’s often lack a true desire to succeed. If you want to be successful in internet marketing you have to be absolutely committed to success. This means setting time aside each day for your internet marketing activities, and more importantly, performing those activities each day without fail. You can not expect to achieve any level of success in internet marketing if you can't commit yourself to doing the very things that you need to do to be successful each and every day without exceptions. It's that important.
# 4 - Internet marketing newbie’s sometimes get caught up in doing too much. It is important that you know what kind of tasks you are good at. Don't make the same mistake that countless other internet marketers make of trying to do everything yourself. Outsource tasks that take up too much time or that you are not good at doing. There are many places online where you can hire inexpensive help, on a per project basis, to perform these tasks. For instance, if you are good with web design, then go ahead and design and build your own site. Otherwise, contract the web design out and spend your valuable time doing something you are good at, like marketing.
# 5 - New internet marketers seem to like to plan themselves to death. If you want to be a successful internet marketer you need to take action. Come up with a plan and then put that plan into operation. There are too many internet marketers who think up a good idea, formulate a plan, and never put that plan into action because they are constantly analyzing and refining that plan or waiting for the right time to start. Don't sit around and wait for the "perfect time" because it will never come! This is referred to as "paralysis by analysis."
I am by no means saying that your marketing plan doesn't need careful consideration and analysis because it does. But at some point the planning must stop and the action must start. Don't be afraid to take that first action. You may fail at first, but get up from it and do it again. You will be amazed at how much easier each successive action becomes.
To conclude, it is important that you do not make the mistakes outlined above. You will stay ahead of the competition and give yourself a huge jump start on making money and becoming a successful internet marketer if you follow my advice. Finally, DO NOT GIVE UP! You will fail at time, that is certain, but you will also succeed if you learn from those failures and keep going.
About the author:
Trent Brownrigg is a successful internet marketer and home business mentor. You can find his home based business opportunities website at
Browse around his site. You can learn a lot about internet marketing and making money online from it. Find a home business opportunity that interests you and he will personally help you succeed with it!
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