Sunday, January 28, 2007

Website Marketing Strategies-Discover Innovative Ways To Boost Traffic To Your Website

Website Marketing Strategies should be a constantly evolving component of your total marketing campaign. If it is traffic that you want, and lots of it, your site must be search engine optimized. At the very least this is a foundational step. Without this step you would be well behind the starting gates.

If you choose a campaign that focuses primarily on search engine optimization, you may end up pulling your hair out of your head. You will continually be chasing search engine changes. In addition, you will also find yourself constantly making daily website changes in order to stay current with the search engines. As soon as you institute any changes the search engines move the goal posts. It would be like a cat chasing its tail.

Most people in the world are not Internet users. The vast majority of people who you want to reach do not have access to the World Wide Web. It does not matter how well you optimize your web site, they will never find it.

Did you know that quite a few Internet Marketers make most of their sales offline? They sell their books, CDROMs and related material at seminars, workshops and conferences. Indeed, for many Internet Marketers these offline sales represent the bulk of their income.

This tells us that offline promotion could be more important than online promotion. You may be able to optimize your web site to get high rankings in a search engine. But that does not mean that you will reach the vast majority of people who could buy your product or use your information.

This was confirmed recently by one study that showed that most people go to an Internet address after having read it in a newspaper or magazine. Some were even given the address by a friend or colleague or heard it being mentioned by someone speaking at a meeting or on television. It seems that significant numbers of people who get to your web site do so having heard the address somewhere outside of the Internet.

You can get many people visiting your web site, even if you are not ranked highly by the search engines. You can do this by writing articles for use in regular offline publications newspapers, magazines. Always include your address in the article and you will get millions of people to notice your website address.

Moreover, speak at every opportunity you get. Make presentations to business clubs, chambers of commerce, local societies, you name it. Every time you speak, announce your web site address. All of these website marketing strategies should be incorporated into your marketing campaign.

Although these are two great ways of gaining offline publicity for your website, try not to neglect business stationery, posters, car stickers and so on. The more your web site address is visible outside the web, the more visitors you will get regardless of how kind the search engines have been to you.

Website Marketing Strategies is what we do. You will find fantastic ideas to help you start and manage your internet business. Are you ready for the next level? Then lets go now. Just follow this link: Website Marketing Strategies.

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Niche Marketing - Assessing The Potential Of A Niche

Potential niche products exist all around us, but how do you decide which ones are likely to be worth pursuing?

Here's a quick method that will give you a pretty good indication without having to spend large amounts of time and money on the task.

Step One:

This is a fairly obvious step - find out if other marketers are spending advertising dollars in that niche. If they are, you can be pretty certain that it's a profitable niche.

Because savvy marketers "don't" spend money on advertising that doesn't show a profit.
You can check this out quickly on "Pay Per Click" search engines like Overture and 7search where advertisers pay each time someone clicks on their listing.
Let's check out an example.

For demo purposes I'm going to search on the keyword "snoring" because I have a project in progress on the subject of "how to stop snoring without surgery".

Now go to and type in "snoring". When you arrive at the results page click on "View Advertisers' Max Bids" at the top right of the screen. A new window will open up asking you to enter a code to access the information. Enter the code and submit it. On the page that comes up you will find the bidding range for our search term - the higher the top three bids the more profitable (and competitive) the niche is likely to be.

In this case the top three bids on Overture (at time of writing) for the keyword "snoring" are : $1.50, $1.47 and $1.46 - based on this we can be pretty sure that there is a viable market for niche products on "snoring"

Step Two:

OK now let's take this a step further and find out what search terms (keywords and keyword phrases) are being used to find our niche subject on Overture.

Go to : and type in "snoring". This returns a list including :
snoring 27352
stop snoring 8211
snoring cure 3308
snoring remedy 2366
cause of snoring 2186
snoring treatment 1233
snoring solution 1133
snoring problem 800
prevent snoring 623

... and a whole lot more. The numbers indicate the number of times that each of those keywords/phrases have been requested in the previous 30 days.

Step Three:

Next we need to find out how many competing sites there are for each of our keywords/phrases. We're going to do this on Google - but first we need to decide what number of competing sites is acceptable for our niche subject.

As with any subject, opinions differ widely.
Rosalind Gardner (Super Affiliate Handbook) does not consider anything under 100,000 competing sites to be a viable niche.

Jimmy D Brown (Nicheology)suggests 30,000 - 100,000 competing sites to be the ideal.
At the other end of the spectrum Andrew Williams (Keyword Results Analyzer - Word Tacker Version) looks for niches with 1,000 or less competing sites for each keyword/phrase.

For our example here I'm going to use Jimmy Brown's criteria : 30,000 - 100,000.
Now go over to and start entering the keywords/phrases from your Overture search, taking note of the number of sites which are displayed. (Enclose your keywords/phrases with " for specific results, e.g. "snoring cures").
Here's the Google results from the list above :

snoring 977,000
stop snoring 121,000
snoring cure 3,850
snoring remedy 24,100
cause of snoring 2,310
snoring treatment 6,660
snoring solution 21,100
snoring problem 18,500
prevent snoring 3,510

So what does this tell us now?

The first keyword "snoring" is a non-starter. The term is well outside our competing sites criteria at 977,000 and a far too general.
There are no individual search terms in the 30,000 - 100,000 range, but that doesn't rule it out as a viable niche, the term "stop snoring" isn't too far out of the ball park and we can combine some of the other keywords/phrases to meet the criteria.
Result - we probably have a viable market niche.

Step Four:

Finally we need to check the ratio of "supply" to "demand" for our keywords/phrases to make doubly sure the niche is worth pursuing.
Here's how we do it. The formula is :
Google Results(Supply)/Overture Results(Demand)
The lower the ratio the less competition. Here's an example using our keywords/phrases :
snoring : 977,000/27352 = 35.72
stop snoring : 121,000/8211 = 14.73
snoring cure : 3,850/3308 = 1.16
snoring remedy : 24,100/2366 = 10.19
cause of snoring : 2,310/2186 = 1.06
snoring treatment : 6,660/1233 = 5.40
snoring solution : 21,100/1133 = 18.62
snoring problem : 18,500/800 = 23.13
prevent snoring : 3,510/623 = 5.63

So do we have a viable niche?

Based on the figures I would say the subject has pretty good potential. The niche is tightly focussed and the level of competition is low, so it's worth pursuing.
Will the niche make money?
The answer to that question will be down to how effective our marketing is.
One final note : This system has it's limitations. If you're really serious about this Niche Marketing stuff you should invest in some specialist tools which will provide a more comprehensive range of keywords/phrases than Overture returns.

Copyright © 2005, AndrĂ© Anthony Niche Market Know-How

André Anthony owns and operates Niche Market Know-How a resource for beginning Niche Marketers. Visit today to find strategies, tips, tools, products and resources for effective niche product creation and marketing. Get his Niche

Market Know-how Mini Course here:

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5 Secrets Of Writing A Red Hot Viral Report

A technique we have used effectively for more than 5-years online is creating short, focused special reports turning them viral so that we leverage the effort of hundreds of list owners and website owners send us their traffic.

There are many advantages of writing viral special reports, but the best is that you spend hours to create a marketing tool that continues to send you highly targeted, hungry traffic months, even years, after release.

By releasing one viral special report each month for a year, you can be generating a stampede of traffic and sales to your online business.

You may have tried developing special reports in the past with limited success, here are 5 secrets that will turn your viral reports into red-hot traffic generators.

1. Have an exciting, attention grabbing and compelling title. When other people market your special report for you, the title is often the only link to your report they include, so it better be good. Study great advertising, the top headlines

2. You have two customers - the end reader and your distributor. It's important that you write a report that attracts and offers value to your reader, but it's also important to remember that your first target are the army of distributors that will take your report and begin the viral outbreak resulting in massive traffic coming your way.

3. Brandable with your partner's links. Writing a report targeting a hot topic will itself attract some publishers, but what will really put your viral campaign over the top is making your report, ebook or written product brandable. Ideally, your report is delivered in Adobe PDF format since it is the standard for delivering digital information products. So, how do you allow your partners to insert their affiliate links in your report in a scalable way where you don't have to be customizing every report manually? There are a number of PDF branding tools on the market today that allow you to accomplish this task. Look for one that is simple to use for your partners. By allowing them to re-brand links within your report, you are giving them a financial reason to virally share your report with as much of their list and readership as possible.

4. Create a buzz factor - setup a forum category to discuss each report. In this age of Web 2.0 where user generated content is accepted as a major marketing weapon, setting up a corresponding forum, blog or file sharing site around your report is a great way to increase it's buzz thereby turning your report into a real viral home-run.

5. Create basic graphics to help partners present the report and increase conversion rate. Your partners will benefit tremendously (and be more likely to offer your report) if you offer them some professional graphic covers and banners so they can integrate your viral report easily into their overall site design. I know when I promote an affiliate product for someone, I like to have a choice of graphics depending on whether I promote through out blog, main websites, forums or in my e-newsletter.

Viral special reports and viral e-books are proven methods that work to generate lots of traffic, leveraged income through partners and if you play your cards right, a viral explosion that can catapult you to market dominance within your niche.

Discover How To Instantly Develop High-Powered Viral and Paid Information Products That You Can Use To Build Your Own Online Marketing Empire. Visit the home of top Internet

Marketer's at InfoMarketer's Zone

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Internet Marketing

I know every one wants to get top placement in the 3 major search engines; Google, Yahoo, and MSN. You work hard getting the right keywords, adding great keyword filled content to your site, and getting great back links pointing to your site.

What most people don’t take into consideration is that they still have to design the web site around the potential customer. It’s exciting to see your web site list in the first and second page of Google, Yahoo, and MSN but if the title and description content do not explain your service, it will be less likely you will ever get quality traffic to your site.

How do I achieve great placement and still keep my content customer based? You have to compromise being in first place for being tenth place. I will tell you why. Highly searched keywords usually have a lot of competition and usually the bigger sites beat out the small guys.
Work on your customer content first; after all if you actually get people to the site you want them to understand the services you are offering. Second, make sure they keywords you’re trying to place with are actually not out of reach for the size and quality of your website. Third rearrange your site content to have your keywords placed through out. Don’t go over board placing too many keywords on a page. concentrate on a couple of main keywords per page and have others read the content to make sure it clearly states what products or services you are offering.

Use your keywords in the metatag title and description and remember it should make since to your prospective customer when showing in the search results. Have it reflect the content on the page. This will help the search engines understand what your service offers and where to place your listings.

Do research on other web sites that are placing well for the keywords you plan on using. Type the listing into the search engine, click the cached link next to the listing and see how many times your keyword is highlighted on the page. Go to and see how many backlinks are placed for the site, and most importantly see how the content on the sites explain the product.

All these tips will help you see how to optimize your site for your customers and for the search engines.

By Shawn Hickman - Internet Marketing Manager source: Web Solutions of America

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Five Big Reasons Why Internet Marketing Newbies Fail

It's no secret that thousands of people make money online as internet marketers. Some internet marketers make HUGE amounts of money and live amazing lives, some make just enough money online to replace their full time job, others make a good part time income, and others don't make much more than a little extra spending money. The point is that there is money to be made as an internet marketer, whether it's a lot or a little.
The problem is that for every internet marketer making any amount of money online, there are hundreds upon hundreds that never make a cent. In fact, most spend more than they ever make and end up quitting.
So why is it that so many internet marketing newbie’s fail? Here are five big reasons...
#1 - New internet marketers tend to set unrealistic goals for themselves. Set goals for yourself that are attainable. By setting and achieving reasonable goals, you build confidence in yourself and your abilities. This allows you to confidently set ever increasing goals which you can regularly meet. People who set unrealistic goals often fail in internet marketing because they get discouraged when they do not achieve their goals. After getting discouraged month after month, they often believe they can not succeed and they end up quitting. Don't let this happen to you!
# 2 - New internet marketers usually don't have their own product. While there are many ways to make money and be very successful as an internet marketer, creating your own product is probably the best. Having your own product allows you to harness the power of affiliates who will promote it and allow you to multiply your efforts tremendously.
# 3 - Internet marketing newbie’s often lack a true desire to succeed. If you want to be successful in internet marketing you have to be absolutely committed to success. This means setting time aside each day for your internet marketing activities, and more importantly, performing those activities each day without fail. You can not expect to achieve any level of success in internet marketing if you can't commit yourself to doing the very things that you need to do to be successful each and every day without exceptions. It's that important.
# 4 - Internet marketing newbie’s sometimes get caught up in doing too much. It is important that you know what kind of tasks you are good at. Don't make the same mistake that countless other internet marketers make of trying to do everything yourself. Outsource tasks that take up too much time or that you are not good at doing. There are many places online where you can hire inexpensive help, on a per project basis, to perform these tasks. For instance, if you are good with web design, then go ahead and design and build your own site. Otherwise, contract the web design out and spend your valuable time doing something you are good at, like marketing.
# 5 - New internet marketers seem to like to plan themselves to death. If you want to be a successful internet marketer you need to take action. Come up with a plan and then put that plan into operation. There are too many internet marketers who think up a good idea, formulate a plan, and never put that plan into action because they are constantly analyzing and refining that plan or waiting for the right time to start. Don't sit around and wait for the "perfect time" because it will never come! This is referred to as "paralysis by analysis."
I am by no means saying that your marketing plan doesn't need careful consideration and analysis because it does. But at some point the planning must stop and the action must start. Don't be afraid to take that first action. You may fail at first, but get up from it and do it again. You will be amazed at how much easier each successive action becomes.
To conclude, it is important that you do not make the mistakes outlined above. You will stay ahead of the competition and give yourself a huge jump start on making money and becoming a successful internet marketer if you follow my advice. Finally, DO NOT GIVE UP! You will fail at time, that is certain, but you will also succeed if you learn from those failures and keep going.
About the author:
Trent Brownrigg is a successful internet marketer and home business mentor. You can find his home based business opportunities website at
Browse around his site. You can learn a lot about internet marketing and making money online from it. Find a home business opportunity that interests you and he will personally help you succeed with it!
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